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The Interesting Case of Crpyto Currencies, the Global Authoritarian Devils (GADs) and the Golden Piggy Bank (or GPB)

Posted by Rick Gold on July 04, 2023 - 7:12am

Our story begins with the Intellectual pursuit of Cryptography, the use of codes and ciphers to protect secrets, began thousands of years ago using pen and paper, and it's no surprise if you ask any current short term Crypto Developers, that, computers (machines) have greatly facilitated and improved their efficacy. 

So, in 2008, someone(s) with the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto published a white paper explaining a cryptographic electronic recording and payment system, now known as bitcoin and its blockchain, apparently, to address the problems with the exclusiveness of financial institutions (banks etc) serving as trusted third parties to process electronic payments and their failing fiat cash systems, worldwide.  A whitepaper is a document that explains the purpose of a project and how it works. For a cryptocurrency like bitcoin, the whitepaper is a guide to its technology, features, and goals
However, this was not the first attempt at creating a crypto graphic payment system, but it is the one that is most prevalent today.
Bitcoin has had a bumpy road since its inception in 2009 and has facilitated thousands of other cryptographic payment systems since that time, with Ethereum being the most obvious basically solving various issues with the Bitcoin blockchain, like decentralized identity and smart contracts. Then of course there are many other projects solving many, many issues since Bitcoin in 2009, and its easy to look up online, and find information about each one.
Recently, simply because Crypto Currencies and their blockchains have become widely accepted and very popular, with thousands of new projects popping up every year, governments around the world are starting to take notice and quite a few are taking action.
From laws and regulatory actions; to court actions; to outright banning; governments around the world, are working to control what they claim is the "wild west" of Cryptographic payment systems by various worldwide authoritarian techniques. These worldwide authoritarians plainly see the hand writing on the wall or block in this case and want to seize the lions share of capital by developing their own crypto systems, fictitious rules, power plays and fines and taxes of this new Golden Piggy Bank (GPB).
Consequently, the year 2023, is now heralded and shall be known worldwide as the new era of the Global Authoritarian Devils (GADs) and the Golden Piggy Bank (GPB). The origins of the Golden Piggy Bank or GPB  ...
Before centralized banks as well as other centralized monetary exchanges centuries ago, people stored their coins at home in clay pots made of pygg - orange colored clay or earthen ware. And as this practice grew and spread and language evolved these pots came to be shaped and known as "piggy banks." And for certain evil money changers who used their power, knowledge and office to control global monetary creation, exchange and policy -The Piggy Banks were plated with the most precious of metals Gold.
Oftentimes and through the same history of the world, there have been negative slang references in the local vernacular made about political and hired thugs being simply known as "pigs." In 1945, George Orwell published his now famous novel "Animal Farm." In his satirical allegory, the "pigs" use violence and the threat of violence to control the other animals, most notably sheep. The pigs are scheming, clever and forceful and replace the humans as villains.  And sometimes a "gluttonous" person/animal is also known as a "pig."
Enter now, the Global Authoritarian Devils (GADs) and the Golden Piggy Bank (GPB). 
Well, since very few of the worldwide crypto developers seem to have any inclination to push back at these GADs (think aggravating flies), with the actual "facts" about  electronic Cryptographic payment systems and these oppressions by Authoritarians worldwide , then, natural persons must be prepared to respond and react to this evil. 
As the now famous, Henry David Thoreau, once quipped, "Think for yourself, or others will think for you without thinking of you." and "Dissent without action is consent." and "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."  and "That government is best which governs least." 
In Thoreau's treaty on Civil Disobedience, he stated, "Unjust laws exist: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once? Note Men, Note generally, under such a government as this, think that they ought to wait until they have persuaded the majority to alter them. They think that, if they should resist, the remedy would be worse than the evil." and finally "If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government, Note let it go, let it go: perchance it will wear smooth, certainly the machine will wear out. If the injustice has a spring, or a pulley, or a rope, or a crank, exclusively for itself, then perhaps you may consider whether the remedy will not be worse than the evil; but if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine. What I have to do is to see, at any rate, that I do not lend myself to the wrong which I condemn."
So what you ask, are my Golden Piggy Banks Now in 2023????
Golden Piggy Bank 2023 or GPB2023 for short, is a new type of Intellectual pursuit of both electronic and physical payment and storage systems controlled by me. The physical payment and storage system is a bunch of atoms organized into what appears to be the shape of a golden pig which stores and holds more atoms which appear to be fiat coins and bills which many Authoritarians and their systems still use and rely on. This apparent device (golden pig see above) and its contents is controlled by me and is cumbersome, so if I desire to use the fiat atoms for my purposes it is pretty hard and there is an upper limit.  
Consequently, in 2023 I have moved my fiat atoms onto a more efficient electronic recording and payment system (blockchain), and these atoms are being created, expended and organized by me in a computerized environment such as a Golden Piggy blockchain with its record of creation, exchange, contracts and savings. This computerized pier to pier system is easier to use for electronic saving and exchanges for my purposes and easier to use. However, as stated above, the GADs are using whatever, phony tools and power plays, that we the people allow to gain the lions share of every Golden Piggy Bank and Blockchain. 
So I ask crypto people worldwide? Will you stand idly by and let these evil (GADs) continue and expand until they completely envelope everything that has been created since 2009? Or will you resist the evils foisted upon us? 
Rick Gold