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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Rick Gold on September 04, 2019 - 5:40pm

All to often in 2019, people are talking about and quoting others concerning crypto currencies. Often, when you ask them “what’s a crypto currency” they will tell you “bitcoin” or “ethereum” or some other similar names. And therein, lies the problem.

From the late 1950s through the early 2000s, when crypto systems were being discussed and written about by forward thinking researchers and programmers, they were thinking and writing about, developing electronically programmed digital systems. A lot of 1s and Zeros to be more precis. And if you were to research and look back at the various individuals writing and speaking about cryptology, you would soon discover that these cryptologists creations were all copyrighted because they were and are, the intellectual property of their authors and inventors.


However, in 2009, somehow this cryptology story suddenly changed. Satoshi Nakamoto developed an idea called Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. This cryptographic system would enable individuals to use the internet for electronic peer-to-peer transactions (remember, a lot of 1s and Zeros) without relying on trust using proof-of-work to record a public history on a digital ledger known as a blockchain. Yes and truly, still a lot more 1s and Zeros to be even more precis, now. And yes protected by copyright , intellectual property, and our rights of free speech, privacy and private property.

Yet today, with all the hot air floating around the internet … with people involved in crypto or government obscuring the true facts about digital crypto systems, isn’t it time that we reclaimed the record concerning what these digital systems are actually called(hint again, a lot of digital 1s and Zeros)? I for one am truly so tired of the obfuscation by our government officials and their agencies and also the ignorance of a lot of others in the ever growing online crypto spaces, who continually label these complex digital systems “crypto currencies!” Wake up! Wake up! You are being deceived!

Rick Gold @freegold

Rick Gold Friends, Bitcoin is a wonderful digital technological system for the distribution of encrypted electronic calculations on a ledger (blockchain). These calculations can be used for anything. However, people are currently using Bitcoin as a fiat money system (i.e. digital currency).
September 6, 2019 at 2:09pm
David Ogden Computers have always stored information with 1's and 0's that is how they work. the think that differs between fiat currency is the number of zero's after the decimal point. this means you can by a much smaller amount of cryptocurrency than a so called normal currency, To put it another way anyone can afford to purchase cryptocurrency.
September 5, 2019 at 12:42pm
Kevin Jacobson I believe it is slowly gaining greater acceptance. As it becomes more mainstream with big companies using blockchain, people will accept it more. I think markethive will do a good job at spreading the word to a lot more people then most companies or organizations out there.
September 5, 2019 at 5:08am