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It's a numbers Game!

Posted by Charmaine Anne MacDonald on May 07, 2020 - 2:57pm Edited 5/7 at 3:40pm

Bill Britt was a multi-millionaire with Amway. When asked what the secret to his success was, he replied that there was no secret. He just showed the Amway plan to 1200 people. 900 said NO. Of the 300 who said yes, only 85 ever did anything at all! 35 of the 85 were serious.

And 11 of the 35 made Bill Britt RICH.

To find the 11 who are going to make you rich, you may have to be persistent enough to ask the 1200. Unfortunately for us, 1200 may not be enough. But fortunate for us we have something that Bill Britt did not have. We have the Internet. Share your opportunity with as many as you can through personal and business contacts, through groups on Facebook, all other social media outlets that you are in, traffic exchanges, free and paid traffic, if you can afford to do paid traffic.  Some percentage of those people will get active and a small percentage will sponsor and teach others.

Ask enough people and help them thru the maturing process, and maybe one day you'll be the next  Bill Britt ???? of the opportunity you are promoting!  

Wishing you much success in all your business pursuits! 

Charles Phillips Bill Britt was one of the top performers during the early days of Amway's rise to prominence.
May 7, 2020 at 4:17pm