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Welcome to Markethive

WeShareAbundance Sharing a wealth of Happiness daily!

Posted by Charmaine Anne MacDonald on April 16, 2020 - 11:55am

"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt - 1882-1945 - 32nd President of The United States

Join us on our mission, All Welcome

The quote above is so very true and as we progress with the Beta Launch we have encountered many stormy seas, but...

We sail boldly onwards gaining in skill as we go while delivering Hope, Satisfaction and Income along the way.

A short while ago we made our first payments into members wallets and today we have paid all requested withdrawals to our members.

We know and understand that we have a long journey ahead but keep delivering at the many ports we enter along the way.

We are a community intent upon changing our own fortunes and the fortunes of others for the better, with a joint mission to fight poverty on a global scale.

You can earn FREE with us through service to others and as you earn you automatically help our cause.

Choose to Stake (Deposit WESA Tokens for 30 days) in any of our Pools and you will receive 50% or more (up to 95%) in profit a month.


If you would like more information, updates and get your questions answered by our members...you will find an invitation to join our Facebook group, inside! 

We Share Abundance IS not just the EASIEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY EVER.....

It is a loving, caring, community where everyone is welcomed.

We Share Abundance allows anyone regardless of location, talent or experience to generate income online easier than ever before....

It would be great to have you join us - it won't cost you anything (in fact ALL our community MAKE A PROFIT) and you will be helping others in less than 5 minutes a day!