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Develop Your Resources

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 19, 2023 - 2:16pm Edited 11/19 at 2:16pm

Develop Your Resources

Hello this is Sandy Gallagher, CEO of the Proctor Gallagher Institute. And I’ve got a really important lesson for you today.

See, we live in a rapidly changing world, you know that, and the rate of innovation is accelerating so a company’s products and methods can become obsolete before they’re even through the final stage of planning and the most striking aspect of obsolescence is its’ suddenness, regardless of size, assets, or prestige. A company can be prosperous one day and face with ruin the next.

The only insurance against this threat is creative people. The message for business is very clear. The companies that survive and prosper will be those which hire creative people and encourage their growth. In particular, they’ll be companies with managers who foster inquiry and who demonstrate originality in their decision making.

They’ll be companies that make a definite place in their annual budget for the development for their most valuable asset, their human resources. The message for every person who aspires to leadership is also very clear. The clear winner is the person who can handle complex problems created by the increasing speed of invention. It will not be the person who is craftiest, shrewdest, or even the most popular.

It will be the person of exceptional originality. It’s no longer enough to have a college degree, to be conscientious on the job, and to work hard to achieve and hold a position of leadership in this age of innovation. A person must spend a part of every day in self-development.

That’s what Six Minutes is all about. See, whether on a corporate or individual level, the answer is the same: education, continuing education but in a different way. Rather than developing the intellect, what we have to understand and develop is the untapped potential which we all possess and yet it’s virtually ignored. Here’s another success boosting exercise for today. With a little reflection or introspection, I want you to write down what you consider your 5 greatest strengths from a human resources point of view. Now for each item you list brainstorm 2 things that you can do to make those strengths even stronger. You’re looking for ways to build on your strength—that’s right—your strength. You don’t ever want to take them for granted.

This is Sandy Gallagher helping you get Results that Stick.