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Law of Gender

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 25, 2023 - 2:11pm Edited 11/25 at 2:11pm

Law Of Gender

This is Bob Proctor and here we are back with the last law that we’re going to talk about in this series. Oh, there are thousands upon thousands of laws. It’s like the Law of Attraction. It’s a secondary law. The primary law is the Law of Vibration. You have the vibration right ... you have the attraction right. Well the last law I want to talk about is the Law of Gender.

This is a great law. The Law of Gender decrees that you have to have male and female in everything or you wouldn’t have anything. Just the same as you have a positive and a negative pole in everything or you wouldn’t have anything. You have a positive and negative pole in every cell of your brain. And you have the ability to activate the positive or the negative. The conscious mind is the male factor; the subconscious is the female factor. The male factor impregnates the female factor with the seed of thought and then in a period of time governed by law of gender you give birth to that idea. When the baby is conceived it takes about 280 days before makes its debut in this planet. That period of time is governed by the Law of Gender.

The Law of Gender decrees all seeds have a gestation or an incubation period. Where I come from, if you plant a seed for a carrot, you plant it at a certain time of the year. And the gestation period is approximately 70 days. Every seed has a gestastion or an incubation period. Do you know that your goal is a seed? It’s a spiritual seed. It’s one you originate.

We talked about the information flowing into your consciousness and you have the ability to build an idea out of it and say that’s what I’m going after. That’s my goal. That is what I love.

You get emotionally involved. You’ve planted it in the garden of your mind and that seed has a gestation period. As wise as we’ve become over the many years we’ve been here, we have never gained an understanding of what the gestation period is for a non-physical seed. But we do know it’s governed by law, so when you set a goal, you’re guessing at the length of time it’ll take you to achieve. If you reach that time and the goal hasn’t manifested, you’ve done one of two things. You either haven’t given it the energy it needed or you chose the wrong date. Now, whether you have been slack thinking and working on your goal or you chose the wrong date, the same answer applies. Give yourself an extension of time.

Expect it to manifest. Remember the Law of Perpetual Transmutation and give it everything you’ve got. Focus all of your energy on that goal and remember what Price Prichard said, "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." There are things happening that you do not see. There are things coming towards you that you don’t see.

If you have to attract someone or something from the other side of the globe, it will be delivered and it will arrive at your door right on schedule. Because that’s how the Law of Gender (working in harmony with all the other laws) is going to deliver to you whatever you earn. No more and no less. But understand this ... it must be earned. These laws will definitely give you Results that Stick. Study them, memorize them, internalize them and live in harmony with them.

This is Bob Proctor, thank you.