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Law of Rhythm

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 23, 2023 - 1:14am Edited 11/23 at 1:14am

Law Of Rhythm

Here we are back with a great law. Here at Six Minutes, it’s Bob Proctor with the Law of Rhythm.

Do you know that everything—your mind, your intellect, your physical body, the spiritual aspect of you—flows up and down, and up and down. Have you ever noticed that?

Have you ever noticed some days you can sit down with a column of figures and whoa, you add them up. No problem at all. Other days you would add up the same column of figures five times and get a different answer every time. Intellectually you just haven’t got it. Have you ever noticed that some days you feel like a million bucks? And other days you get up and you just don’t feel that good? It’s that time of the month and that’s your biorhythm. Have you ever noticed you got some days you have energy to burn and other days you’re depleted of energy? Some days you can walk down the street and you feel like skipping and singing a song and you hear all the birds and you help the little old lady and you pick up the ball for the kid. And there are other days when you think “what is that old lady doing out here?” “Get that kid out of the road”, and you don’t hear the birds. What is it? High and low swing.

You know when everything at work just seems to go the wrong way? Understand it’s going to start going the right way. It’s a natural rhythm and just the way life works. You and I have the ability to choose our attitude. We talked about that 2 four letter word — atti and tude. Well, we have the ability to choose. We can choose to feel good even when we’re on a low swing because we’re in control of how we feel. We don’t have to let the Law of Rhythm beat us up every time (every month) when we’re on that low swing. And some days you’ll be on a high swing. You’ll be on an upswing intellectually and you’ll be coming down emotionally and another day you’ll be on a bit of a low swing and you’ll find that they’ll dip and dive and they cross each other.

There are airlines that do the biorhythm on people and they will not let their pilots fly when they’re on a critical low. That’s when intellectually, emotionally and physically you’re on a critical low. That’s when days you just feel like giving it up. Understand in those days, you can get excited. It’s really going to get good now because if you’re very low, you’re going to go very high. Now some people are completely controlled by this as so far as attitude is concerned and they go along fine and then all of a sudden they’re not in a good mood and you know just about when they’re not in a good mood. And sure enough ... you know a few days later they’re coming out of it, but next month they come back into it again. It just isn’t just the ladies that get hit every month. It’s the whole universe that gets his every month.

The Law of Rhythm affects us on all levels. It’s a natural law of the universe and the way everything flows. Study it. Understand it and you can feel good regardless. Now that is the law understood that’ll definitely give you Results that Stick.

This is Bob Proctor, thank you.