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Laws Of Perpetual Transmutation

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 17, 2023 - 1:03am Edited 11/17 at 1:03am

Laws Of Perpetual Transmutation

Welcome back to Six Minutes This is Bob Proctor with Results That Stick.

Open your mind and let this information sink right into the deep recesses of the treasury or your subconscious mind. It’s so powerful. Everything operates by law. There are no accidents; we already mentioned that. Now I want you to think of the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of energy. Energy is forever moving into form, through form, and back into form.

Back around 1908, Andrew Carnegie was the wealthiest man in the world and considered the first millionaire. He gave Napoleon Hill the inspiration and the direction and the mentoring to go out and spend his whole life putting together the Laws of Success. Out of that came, Think and Grow Rich which changed my life forever and I have passed it on to millions of people.

Carnegie gave Hill the basis of his philosophy. He said, "Any idea that is held in the mind, that’s emphasized, that's either feared or revered will begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available." Now think about what he’s saying, “Any idea good or bad that you hold in your mind, that you continually visit will begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available.” In other words, he was repeating what the Job (the great sufferer in the Bible) said. Job said, “Lo, the thing I fear has come to visit upon me.”

Think ... if you hold a bad idea and continually dwell on it ... it’s going to happen. If you choose and create a good idea and dwell on it ... it’s going to happen. Now you have to hold that idea and you have to internalize and emotionalize that idea. And what’s happening is energy is flowing into your consciousness. It’s flowing to and through you. You can actually photograph the energy leaving a person. If you went into a completely dark room in front of an infrared television camera, you’d see your whole being as a glistening, radiating, gleaming form. You can actually photograph it with Kurlian photography. In the thirties, Semyon Kirlian came up with a form of photography where you can photograph the density and colour of energy.

As energy flows into your consciousness you can build images out of it. Yet if you build the image of what you want ... if you internalize it... that image must move into physical form. That’s how the Wright brothers got in the air. They did something that was totally illogical. Never let logic stop you. Don’t let logic govern you. Let the law govern you. You got to break through logic and got where no one’s ever been. By doing that, I guarantee your life will change. Remember, though every idea you hold—good or bad—for any period of time —that you continually feed will begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available and that happens by law.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation, clearly states that energy is forever moving into form through form and back into form. The energy flows in. We give it an image. We internalize the image. We plant it in our heart... our subconscious mind. The early Greeks referred to the subconscious mind as the heart. You don’t become what you think about. You become what you plant in your heart. What you think about and plant in your heart.

Solomon had it right. As a person thinketh in their heart so are they. That idea will move into physical form. Listen to it a few times. Take notes on this. Then ask yourself what’s moving into form and then you’ll know what you’re thinking. It’s a great idea.

This is Bob Proctor with Results that Stick. Thank you.