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Laws of the Universe

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 18, 2023 - 3:30pm Edited 11/18 at 3:30pm

Laws Of The Universe

Hello there and welcome back to Six Minutes. Its Bob Proctor and I’m going to give you some information. By studying this information every day for the rest of your life, your life will just keep getting better.

There is one basic law of life that says create or disintegrate...absolutely nothing stays where it is. We’re either getting better or getting worse. Now Doctor Wernher Von Braun one time said that, "The natural laws of this universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building spaceships and sending people to the moon and we can time the landing with a precision of a fraction of a second."

Von Braun must of understood these laws in great depth, because when President John Kennedy asked him what it would take to build a rocket that would carry a man to the moon and bring him back safely to earth, he answered him in five words, "The will to do it." That’s a pretty powerful statement for such an enormous challenge.

But you see, he did understand that this universe operates in an orderly way. When the tide goes out it doesn’t just come in sometimes—it always comes in. The night is always followed by the day. It’s not the nighttime followed by the nighttime. Winter never follows winter. You know if there’s an up, there’s got to be a down. If there’s a right, there’s got to be a left. See we have an innate awareness of this, but it’s because of the laws. I see the law as God’s modus operandi. It’s how everything happens, and since their not man-made they’re not going to be man-changed.

Now there are 7 of these laws. So for the following 7 days, I’m going to hit on each law and we’re going to talk about them. I am going to mention them to you today. And I would suggest if you’ve got a pen and paper handy, you may want to jot them down.

See there is just one great law really...energy. It isn’t either created or destroyed—yes a cause and effect of itself—is 100% evenly present in all places at the same time. That’s a powerful statement. It’s one you want to repeat over and over and over to yourself.

Now here are the 7 laws:

1. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation.

2. The Law of Relativity

3. The Law of Vibration

4. The Law of Polarity (frequently referred to as the Law of Opposites)

5. The Law of Rhythm (everything has a rhythm)

6. The Law of Cause and Effect (I think I mentioned in a previous lesson that Ralph Waldo Emerson said this was the “Law” of Laws. All of the laws effect every area of our life though and you never find one working without the other. They all zip and dive and they join together like the colours of a rainbow. You cannot separate from one from the other. When you’re talking about one you’re talking about the other. And last but certainly not least on this list is:

7. The Law of Gender Now they don’t come in any particular order. This just happens to be the order I put them in. They’re all important. You can’t talk about one without the other. Now I want you to pay attention to the world around you. Pay attention to your environment, the seasons, how everything grows when a plant, a seed is planted in the earth. The plant comes forth, not by chance, but by law. There are no such thing as luck where there’s law. You know Voltaire said, "We invented the words luck, miracle, and chance. We invented all these words to express the known effects of unknown causes. Every effect does have a cause and of course every cause has to have an effect." And when we study that, you’ll see there’s a chain of cause and effect.

Your life is governed by law. Yet, as you start to understand these laws, start to incorporate them into your life and bring your life into harmony. You’re going to find that everything is going to start to change. The money you earn, the health you enjoy, your level of energy, and your relationships. It all just keeps getting better and better and better. And I guarantee you, as you study and learn these laws—make a decision right now to learn them—you’re going to find, you’re going to have Results that Stick.

This is Bob Proctor and we’ve got results that stick.