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Laws of Vibration

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 21, 2023 - 7:43am Edited 11/21 at 7:43am

Laws Of Vibration

And here we are back again with a Law that I love. And the more you study it, the more you’re going to get to love it. This is Bob Proctor and we’re going to talk about the Law of Vibration.

Now, what is the Law of Vibration? The Law of Vibration states that nothing rests. Everything moves. Now I’m going to start by going right outside of the box with you. You know the body in a coffin? We say it’s dead. Well, if nothing is created or destroyed that would only postulate the theory of life. That body is not dead. The soul has moved out of it but the body is moving. Pick up the remains and look at it through a microscope. And get this ... if it wasn’t moving, how would it ever change to dust? Duh. That’s a pretty heavy one. Everything moves. Nothing rests.

Did you know we are vibrating all of the time? Your brain is an electronic switching station. Most people think of their brain as their mind. Your brain isn’t your mind any more than your fingernail is. The Brain is part of the body. Mind is movement and body is a manifestation of that movement. When you think, you activate brain cells. As you activate brain cells, you set up a vibration in your body. Now think of this... the vibration you’re in is going to dictate how you move but it also dictates what you attract to you.

I remember way back in the early 60’s I was listening to Earl Nightingale’s “Lead the Field”, and at one point he was talking about goals. He said “as you start to move towards the goal, the goal will start to move toward you.” I thought what the heck is he talking about? The goal can’t move toward you. Oh yes it can. You see, it moves towards you because everything moves. Nothing rests. We live in an ocean of motion. Now the only thing you can attract to you are things that are in harmonious vibration with you. If you’re worried and full of doubt you’re going to attract a lot of stuff that you don’t want. But if you have a very positive powerful image in your mind then you’re going to start to attract a lot of stuff that you do want. This is such a beautiful law to understand. In “The Secret” we talked about want. And you turn the want into a desire. The desire set up the vibration and the vibration sets up the attraction. You will literally magnetize yourself to whatever comes into your world.

So what do we want to do? Well we have a choice. We can put ourself in a good or bad vibration. I can choose to feel bad or choose to feel good. When you hear somebody say “how are you feeling? and you say “I just don’t feel that good today” or you’ll say “wow, I feel like a million bucks.” I have consciously chosen to put myself in a bad vibration or I’ve consciously chosen to put myself in a good vibration. We put ourself in the vibration we’re in.

On a conscious level we refer to vibration as feeling. You never hear anyone say “oh, I’m consciously aware that I’m mostly involved with a bad idea so I’m not feeling good.” They never say that. They don’t even believe that they’ve caused themself to feel bad. They think it’s him, her, it or them.

No, we cause ourself to feel the way we feel and I’m going to tell you something. You choose good thoughts ... you stay emotionally involved with good thoughts ... you’re going to be in a good vibration and you are going to set up an attractive force that’ll bring you money. It’ll bring you love. It’ll bring you abundance. It’ll bring you health. It’ll bring you everything you ask for because all of that is here. Nothing is created or destroyed and you’re putting yourself in harmony with it and it’s going to move right to you.

Study that Law. You’ll never understand selling if you don’t understand the Law of Vibration. You’ll never understand health if you don’t understand the Law of Vibration. Study the Law of Vibration and I guarantee you’ll get Results that Stick.

This is Bob Proctor and thank you.