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The Law of Polarity

Posted by Scott Worswick on April 15, 2023 - 2:00am

The Law of Polarity

Everything in the universe has its opposite. There would be no inside a room withoutan outside. If you referred to the side of this sheet of paper these words are written on as the top, then the other side would be the bottom. You have a right and left side to your body, a front and a back. Every up has a down and every down has an up. The law of Polarity not only states that everything has an opposite … it is equal and opposite. If it was 3 feet from the floor up on to the table, it would be 3 feet from the table to the floor. If it is 150 miles from Manchester to London, by law it must be 150 miles from London to Manchester; it could not be any other way.

If something you considered bad happens in your life, there has to be something good about it. If it was only a little bad, when you mentally work your way around to the other side, you will find it will only be a little good.



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Permit the line above to represent any situation in life. Realise that every situation JUST IS; you make it negative or positive by virtue of how you choose to think about the situation. When you look at the situation one way it is negative, you can change your perspective and look at it from the opposite viewpoint and find it will be positive.


Ideas and extracts from a Proctor/Gallagher Institute (PGI) course

to find out more about PGI click on the link: https://hive.pe/2gN

Otto Knotzer Thanks for sharing
April 15, 2023 at 6:18am