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The Law of Relativity

Posted by Scott Worswick on April 12, 2023 - 2:11pm

The Law of Relativity

In the study of this law, we find that all things are relative. All laws are related to each other and correspond with each other. The laws of the little are the laws of the great. There is no big nor small, fast or slow, except by comparison. Every law that is a law must be relative to all other laws. In other words, they must be in harmony, agreement and correspond with each other. An understanding of this law will give one the means of solving many of the secrets of Nature that seem paradoxical. The much discussed fourth dimension is nothing more nor less than the dimension of vibration. Again, all rates of vibration are either high or low , only by comparison with those above or below them.

Whenever this law is properly used, you win. Let's remember that everyone does something better than you and likewise, you do something better than every person you meet. When you relate something you do that you are not proficient at, to something another person does that they have mastered, you will not look good. You are using the law against yourself. Begin using this law to heighten your self-esteem. You will then become aware of how special you are in the light of truth.

When you relate the middle box to the smallest box, the middle one looks big. However, when you relate the largest box to the middle box it looks small. The obvious truth is that the middle box is neither big nor small, it just IS. We make the box what it is by virtue of how we work with this law.

Everything in life just IS. We make it what it is. Make a habit of using this law to your benefit.


Ideas and extracts from a Proctor/Gallagher Institue (PGI) course

to find out more about PGI click on the link:  https://hive.pe/2gN

Caleb Mpamei The world seduces us compare everything. It's truly worth remembering every day "Everything in life just IS."
April 13, 2023 at 3:26am
Otto Knotzer Thanks for sharing
April 12, 2023 at 3:04pm