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The Laws of Relativity

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 20, 2023 - 1:38pm Edited 11/20 at 1:49pm

Laws Of Relativity

And here we are back again. Welcome to Six Minutes. This is Bob Proctor and I’m going to share some information that I’ve gathered on the Law of Relativity.

Do you think you’re having a bad day? Compared to what? I remember a poem I read a long time ago (part of which I’ll now repeat) about the man that had no shoes and one who had no feet. You getting the idea? It doesn’t matter what’s going on. Think you’re having a bad day? I guarantee it’s a good day compared to somebody else. So it’s how you invoke the Law of Relativity that’s really going to make the difference.

You see relative to most of the population of the world, you probably live like Solomon in all of his splendor and glory. Do you know that millions of people live on less than fifty dollars a year? You’ve got to admit, you’d find it a little difficult doing that for a day or a week. They’re living on that for a year. How do they do it? Personally I don’t even want to find out. But I know one thing—they do it. And I know another thing—your situation—relative to most situations, can be really good.

Now, I know that you have things happen to you and you’re really taking a whack ... sometimes mentally, physically and financially. But there’s something good about it and you have to find that relative to something else that could happen. You see, if somebody’s talking to me about maybe leaving their job and starting their own business, I will frequently say when they’re afraid (and they’re obviously afraid) and they share that fear with me, I’ll say, “Well, let’s look at it this way. Do you think you would ever end up on the street?” They say, “No.” “Do you think there’s even a remote chance that you would starve to death because you couldn’t get anything to eat?” “No.” “Well.” I said, “Relative to what good happened, if that’s the worst that could happen ... you’re already a winner.”

You see, what you want to do is look at the worst and then look at the best. There is no opportunity for you to blow it if you follow these laws. Now do I follow them a 100%? No. As a matter of fact I don’t have them welded in my mind properly so that every time a situation comes up I say, “Am I with the law or am I against the law?" But I do it fairly often (relative to the way I used to do it). I do it a lot. See, we have to compare our situation and relative to where we could be ... we’re probably way ahead of the game.

Understand that nothing is good or bad; nothing is big or small, unless you invoke the Law of Relativity. Everything just is. I shared something with you that Michael Beckwith gave me a long time ago. It doesn’t matter what’s happening. There’s a three step approach. He said, “It is. It is what it is. Accept it. If you don’t control it, it will control you. Harvest the good. There’s good in everything. Choose to plant it. Forgive all the rest.”

See the truth is; everything just is. We invoke the law of relativity (along with the other laws as you’re going to see) before we can make it good or bad. I want you to study these laws.

If you ever get a chance or have the opportunity to come to a Science of Getting Rich seminar that the Proctor Gallagher Institute is conducting, what it costs you financially or what it costs you in time to be there doesn’t matter. I don’t care if you have to come from the other side of the world. Be there. As we get into the Science of Getting Rich, we dig deep into the laws and we talk about the practical use of them. The Law of Relativity is a beautiful one to understand and I’m going to tell you, relative to most people in the world, you are way ahead of the game.

The Law of Relativity use it. And you’re going to get Results that Stick.

This is Bob Proctor and thank you.