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Time - Six minutes to success series

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 09, 2023 - 12:22am Edited 11/9 at 12:39am


Hello there and welcome back, this is Bob Proctor with another Six Minutes to Success idea. And this is one, it can be worth its weight in gold to you. It’s about time. Do you know we all get the same amount of time? Now when I say 'we all' I’m talking about everybody on the planet. We get all there is.

Do you know the most effective industrialist in the world gets exactly the same amount of time that some hobo sleeping on a park bench gets? We get all there is, so it’s what we do with our time that really makes the difference.

I have found the effective use of our time and the focus on it—every now and then—can make a greater difference in your income, in the productivity, in your life, in your relationships and everything. Focusing on what we’re doing.

Many many, years ago Andrew Carnegie (who at the time ... around 1900- 1908) was the wealthiest man in the world. He was in the steel industry. And one of his Generals — Charlie Schwab— was paid a million dollars a year salary and he would give him a million dollars a year in a bonus ... in 1908. Think how much ... that’s a lot of money.

Well Charlie Schwab had a guy call on him one time and Schwab said to him, “well what is it?” And he said “Sir, I’ve got an idea that I think would make you more effective. It would make you more efficient and cause you to do the things you’re doing in a much more effective way than you’re doing them.” And Schwab looked at him, he said “I’ve already got all kinds of ideas that would do all that.” He said “If you can give me one idea to get me to do some of the things I already know, I’ll pay you anything you ask.” He said “I can do that.” He says “Give me your pad.” And he took a pad and he wrote on it.

Write out the 6 most important things you have to do tomorrow before you go to bed.  

When you get up in the morning do them.

Now that isn’t pick up cleaning on the way home or pick up bread on the way home. It’s the 6 most goal important, goal achieving ideas. Now he said “If you do that, you’ll find you’ll be much more effective than you have been in the past. You just send me a check for whatever you think it's worth.” Well it’s reported that Schwab sent the man a check for $25,000 and said it was the most effective idea that he had ever learned from a dollar and cent point of view. The man’s name was Ivy Lea.

It was so effective I’ve had little cards made for myself. I have the company logo at the top and I have a quote at the bottom by an old mentor of mine, God bless him he’s gone now, Leland Vanderwall “doing it once what needs to be done will increase the possibility of success”.

Six things ... I do them and you know something ... I become more effective all the time. I don’t get that much smarter, I become more effective. Now if you will do that you will become more effective so before you go to bed, I want you to write down the 6 most important things you have to do tomorrow and then when you get up, do them. And you’re going to find by doing that you’re going to begin to get results that stick.

This is Bob Proctor, thank you.