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The Answer To Chronic Illness Is At The Cellular Level. Gaditana Original Phytoplankton - All Things To All Life On Earth

Posted by Deb Williams - Editor on May 18, 2024 - 5:20am

The Answer To Chronic Illness Is At The Cellular Level. Gaditana Original Phytoplankton - All Things To All Life On Earth 

Currently, a significant majority of seniors aged 65 and above, over 80% to be exact, are living with at least one chronic illness, while a substantial 68% are managing two or more. This translates to a considerable burden of disease and a significant reliance on medication. A range of conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cognitive decline, joint inflammation, and others, necessitate ongoing pharmaceutical treatment, often involving complex regimens of multiple medications.

There are two distinct schools of thought regarding managing chronic diseases. One approach seeks to identify a medication or surgical solution that can replace or repair a faulty bodily process, effectively 'fixing the machine.' 

In contrast, an alternative perspective, which we will explore in more detail, offers a distinct methodology. This approach is also vital for healthy people to stay healthy. This methodology focuses on providing the body with essential elements to produce new cells and resonate at frequencies that facilitate self-healing.

Providing the body with essential elements enables it to produce new cells and resonate at frequencies that facilitate self-healing. However, identifying the precise requirements for cellular regeneration has proven challenging for those who subscribe to this idea.

Numerous individuals have touted exotic plants or fruits from far-off lands as cure-all elixirs, but the true marvel lies in phytoplankton, the nutrient-rich foundation of aquatic life. The unique balance of elements and electrolytes in phytoplankton is tailor-made to support human health. Moreover, scientists have noted a striking similarity between human blood plasma and seawater composition, suggesting a profound connection between the two.

Gaditiana Original marine phytoplankton is a nutritional treasure that offers more than just sustenance - it's a natural remedy packed with therapeutic benefits. In addition to its rich mineral profile, this phytoplankton variety is bursting with hundreds of potent phytochemicals that synergistically work together to protect and defend the body's tissues, detoxify the bloodstream, optimize oxygen delivery and circulation, and combat abnormal cell growth that can accelerate aging and trigger disease.

The micronutrients and electrolytes in phytoplankton are the elements that human cell membranes require to facilitate their metabolic processes. If we only consume food from land-based sources, we risk experiencing deficiencies in these essential micronutrients and electrolytes. Although the body can tolerate temporary nutrient imbalances, a consistently inadequate diet will have far-reaching detrimental effects on every aspect of cellular function, structure, and detoxification. Ultimately, this can compromise our metabolic health, contributing to various diseases.

Enhanced Cellular Integrity and Renewal

One of the most significant advantages of marine phytoplankton is its exceptional capacity to fortify cellular barriers and stimulate cellular renewal. Ideally, a cell should possess an adequate surplus of electrons directly linked to oxygen availability. When cells have an abundance of electrons and oxygen, they exhibit optimal health and are better equipped to regenerate and thrive.

Marine Phytoplankton is crucial in enhancing cellular well-being by supplying cells with the essential energy boost they need to thrive, resulting in improved oxygenation and regenerative capabilities. Additionally, it furnishes the body with vital building blocks, including amino and fatty acids, which are necessary for constructing robust cell membranes that can regenerate efficiently. 

Rich in all essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, marine phytoplankton supports the body's natural methylation process, promoting healthy cell replication and development. These factors contribute to the rapid therapeutic effects of marine phytoplankton on chronic diseases and its potential to increase longevity.

Opting for Wellness over Sickness: Make an Informed Decision

Choosing between health care and disease care is a pivotal decision. A body devoid of essential nutrients cannot heal optimally, even if it desires to. To foster optimal health, we must provide our bodies with a comprehensive source of nourishment. Gaditana Original Phytoplankton is a complete food that fulfills this requirement. By making an informed choice to incorporate this natural remedy into your routine, you are taking a proactive step towards your health and wellness, empowering yourself with the knowledge and tools to improve your well-being. 

Gaditana Original Phytoplankton offers hope for those with discouraging health prognoses. By delivering its benefits directly to the cellular level, it can still be effective even in cases where the liver and digestive system are compromised. With its incredible regeneration capacity, the body can transform with the right building blocks, potentially improving its health outlook in just eight months.

The health system's downfall can be attributed to the detrimental influences of the food and pharmaceutical industries. The food industry's practice of adding preservatives to its products has created unhealthy, processed foods that, when consumed, introduce harmful chemicals into our bodies, disrupting cellular function. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical industry has perpetuated a culture of symptom suppression masquerading as healthcare when, in reality, it's a form of disease management. I'm here to share a more effective and sustainable approach.

Achieve Optimal Wellness from the Inside Out

Even individuals enjoying overall good health can benefit from incorporating phytoplankton into their routine. The reality is that mineral deficiencies are inevitable, even if you're not currently experiencing them. Not addressing these deficiencies can lead to cellular dysfunction, which in turn can contribute to the development of various illnesses and diseases. Supplementing with minerals, such as those found in Gaditana Original Phytoplankton, is crucial to maintaining healthy, functioning cells. 

This is because many countries use triphosphate fertilizers to grow produce, and there is a tendency to refrain from replenishing essential minerals like zinc, magnesium, and molybdenum into the soil when it becomes deficient. As a result, our bodies gradually become depleted of these vital nutrients, leading to cellular dysfunction. Supplementing with minerals is crucial to maintaining healthy, functioning cells.

Phytoplankton is celebrated as a revolutionary superfood due to its nutritional value and high bioavailability. Unlike many other foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and fish, which provide less than 50% of beneficial nutrients, the body thoroughly utilizes phytoplankton upon consumption, leaving no waste. 

Consuming conventional foods often produces excess waste during digestion, leading to toxicity and strain on the body, particularly if vital organs like the gut and liver are not functioning optimally. Accumulated toxic stress from such waste can eventually contribute to the development of various illnesses and diseases.

Gaditana Original Phytoplankton distinguishes itself from other supplements, which often have a limited bioavailability of around 10%. Bioavailability refers to the proportion of a substance that enters the circulation when introduced into the body and so is able to have an active effect. In simpler terms, it's how much of a substance your body can actually use. 

The manufacturer, Blugenics, has addressed this issue by creating a product that allows for almost complete absorption, reducing the amount needed for optimal benefits. This reassures you of the quality and effectiveness of the product, giving you confidence in your choice. 

By harnessing the power of nature, Gaditana Original Phytoplankton nourishes the body at a cellular level, providing the energy it needs to thrive. Modern research is now delving deeper into the intricacies of cellular function, and Gaditana Original Phytoplankton is at the forefront of this holistic approach, making it an ideal time to explore its benefits. 

To discover more information about Gaditiana Original, you can explore my earlier writings (links provided below), then head to my Blugenics site to purchase as a customer or explore the option of earning extra income by becoming an affiliate. This gives you a chance to improve your health and financial well-being. So you just pick one; the other is free. 


Dive into the world of Gaditana Original and discover why this marine phytoplankton is the superfood of the future.

Blugenics: Pioneering the Power of Phytoplankton

Unlock the Therapeutic Secrets of the Sea and Discover The Healing Powers Of the Ocean



Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.