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Unlock the Therapeutic Secrets of the Sea and Discover The Healing Powers Of the Ocean

Posted by Deb Williams - Editor on May 08, 2024 - 9:38am Edited 5/8 at 9:53am

Unlock the Therapeutic Secrets of the Sea and Discover The Healing Powers Of the Ocean

Phytoplankton is a vital food source for some of the world's most giant and long-lived marine creatures, such as blue whales, bowhead whales, gray whales, humpbacks, and right whales. These species typically live for several decades, displaying impressive strength and stamina. The whale shark, the largest fish that feeds on phytoplankton, can live for more than 150 years, up to 14 meters, and weigh as much as 15 tons. Nearly all ocean-dwelling organisms, accounting for over 99% of marine life, rely on phytoplankton directly or indirectly for their sustenance.

So why should we eat shark food? With its high concentration of essential elements and electrolytes, Phytoplankton is a powerhouse of health benefits for humans. Scientists have observed that the composition of human plasma shares similarities with seawater. Since our bodies are comprised of 70% water and the planet consists of 70% water, it's logical to assume that we should be getting a significant portion of our nutrients from aquatic sources. However, we have been neglecting this rich source of nutrition and, instead, trying to obtain all of our necessary nutrients from the 30% land mass, resulting in deficiencies in micronutrients and trace elements.

The ocean, a vast reservoir of life-sustaining elements, provides essential nutrients our bodies need to function correctly. Without these elements, our bodies can't perform as nature intended, leading to impaired function and increased susceptibility to disease. We can step towards a healthier lifestyle by recognizing the importance of obtaining nutrients from aquatic sources.

Tiny ocean plants, known as marine phytoplankton, hold the key to life, sustenance, and nourishment. When sunlight touches the ocean's surface, these microscopic organisms come to life, providing a vital source of nutrition for the entire marine ecosystem. The remarkable nutritional benefits of phytoplankton have been harnessed for human and animal consumption, offering a powerful boost to overall health and well-being.

Blugenics utilizes state-of-the-art technology to cultivate Gaditana Original phytoplankton in a controlled environment using micro-filtered water sourced from the Atlantic Ocean to ensure purity and prevent contamination. This strain, Nannochloropsis gaditana, is remarkable for its incredible health benefits despite being much smaller than a red blood cell.

Nannochloropsis gaditana is a powerhouse of nutrition, containing over 65 vital compounds for human health. These include all the essential amino acids, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and rare antioxidants that our bodies need to function optimally. Additionally, this microalgae is rich in phospholipids, electrolytes, nucleic acids, enzymes, and coenzymes that support cellular health. Its ability to multiply rapidly makes it an ideal candidate for supporting human health at the cellular level, allowing for quick restoration and rejuvenation.

The Vital Role Of Marine Phytoplankton Supporting All Life On Earth

Marine phytoplankton plays a vital role in sustaining life on Earth. It is often called one of the Earth's essential oxygen producers. Phytoplankton contains chlorophyll, a green pigment found in plants, which enables them to convert light energy, carbon dioxide, and sunlight into carbohydrates, fats, and proteins while releasing oxygen. The oxygen phytoplankton produces is comparable to that of trees and terrestrial plants. How does this process benefit us?

The antioxidant properties of chlorophyll, which can help neutralize harmful acidity and promote cleansing, can benefit our body. Marine Phytoplankton is an excellent source of chlorophyll, which can support the immune system, enhance blood detoxification, contribute to gut health, and increase energy levels.

Phytoplankton Purifies Cells and Boosts Brain Power

Phytoplankton purifies on a cellular level, removing toxins and waste products that can harm the body. Its high lipids (fats) concentration supports brain and cardiovascular health, promoting a robust cellular structure. Research has shown that it can lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels, improving cognitive function and mental clarity.

Phytoplankton can alleviate pain and reduce inflammation internally and externally. The rapid healing of external issues like dandruff, eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis demonstrates the nourishing effects of phytoplankton on the entire body. Phytoplankton works on a cellular level to nourish and detoxify, addressing the root cause of external skin stemming from internal toxicity.

You may be familiar with Beta-carotene, Lycopene, Zeaxanthin, and Lutein, but have you encountered Astaxanthin, an additional component in Gaditana Original Phytoplankton?

Research supports the significant benefits of Astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant, for eye health, particularly for individuals with Macular Degeneration. This carotenoid is abundant in wild-caught salmon and krill and has been shown to reduce the appearance of age spots and increase energy levels.

Salmon's distinctive red-orange hue is due to Astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant belonging to the carotenoid family. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism by BioMed Central, Astaxanthin has been found to possess a range of health-promoting properties, including reducing oxidative stress and inflammation and boosting the immune system.

Research suggests that Astaxanthin is exceptionally effective in neutralizing free radicals. Studies indicate it can be up to 550 times more potent than vitamin E, 800 times more powerful than CoQ10, and 6000 times more effective than vitamin C. Astaxanthin is over 500 times more potent than the catechins present in green tea. Removing toxins and then rebuilding the body's systems is essential to regain optimal health.

Phytoplankton and Mitochondrial Dysfunction 

The mitochondria, often called the powerhouses of the cells, play a vital role in the body's energy production. They convert food into ATP, the body's primary energy currency, which is then used to fuel various cellular functions. This process's efficiency directly impacts the amount of energy available for the body's multiple activities.

Individuals struggling with adrenal dysfunction, and particularly those with more severe conditions such as chronic fatigue, tend to display some level of mitochondrial dysfunction. This means their bodies are unable to convert food into usable energy.

Using phytoplankton eliminates the need to rely on mitochondria, as it provides a direct energy source for cells. Due to its small size, plankton can deliver ATP, AGB, and ADB straight to the cells, bypassing the usual process. This means that for individuals suffering from adrenal fatigue, the energy provided by phytoplankton is like a direct connection to the power source, revitalizing their cells and boosting energy. The ability of these tiny plants to deliver life-sustaining energy is genuinely remarkable.

Diabetes and Phytoplankton

Studies indicate that Marine Phytoplankton contains various nutrients that can effectively reduce blood sugar levels. Additionally, it is abundant in substances with anti-inflammatory properties, particularly Omega-3 fatty acids and natural pigments like carotenoids.

Pigments in Marine Phytoplankton

Marine phytoplankton harbors a variety of pigments, such as Astaxanthin and Fucoxanthin. Astaxanthin, known for its potent anti-inflammatory effects, surpasses beta-carotene in this aspect by tenfold. Studies have also shown that Astaxanthin may have a preventative impact on diabetes. Fucoxanthin, another pigment in marine phytoplankton, contributes to health benefits like cholesterol reduction and blood pressure regulation. These properties collectively aid in mitigating or staving off the onset of diabetes.

Marine Phytoplankton: A Rich Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Growing recognition of the significance of Omega-3 fatty acids has led to a surge in interest in marine phytoplankton, a rich source of these essential fats. Not only do Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in fat metabolism and sugar levels, but they also positively impact cholesterol levels (LDL and HDL) and inflammatory processes, which can contribute to the development of diabetes.

The video above offers some real-world testimonials of Gaditana Original, demonstrating that including Gaditana Original Phytoplankton in your daily regimen can bring many health advantages. Those who regularly take this food source tend to experience a boost in energy, sharper mental faculties, and a general sense of well-being. Furthermore, this product's anti-inflammatory properties assist in easing symptoms related to persistent ailments like arthritis, and its abundance of nutrients can contribute to your overall health and vitality.

In a time of imperative environmental consciousness, Gaditana Original Phytoplankton offers a nature-friendly solution for those looking to enhance their well-being naturally. With a harvesting process that minimizes its impact on the ocean's delicate ecosystem, Gaditana Original is a responsible way to tap into the timeless vitality of the sea. As scientific understanding of marine phytoplankton's health benefits continues to advance, Gaditana Original Phytoplankton leads the way in this revolutionary approach to nutrition.

Gaditana Original Phytoplankton has become a popular choice for many people to start their day with a boost of energy and well-being, and you can join their ranks, too. I've experienced the benefits of taking Gaditiana Original for the past week, and the results blew me away. My energy levels have significantly increased, my body no longer aches and pains, and my mental clarity has increased considerably. That's just the tip of the iceberg. I have high expectations for this potent phytoplankton, as I believe it's the only authentic and most effective one available. Check out my Blugenics website and order yourself some Gaditana Original today! 


Previous articles: 
The Fluke Discovery Of Phytoplankton: The Tiny Giants of the Ocean
Blugenics: Pioneering the Power of Phytoplankton


Deb Williams - Editor Thanks Simon, It is amazing the difference I feel after taking it for only 1 week! I\'m looking forward to big things with the couple of other health issues I have.
May 8, 2024 at 11:16pm
Simon Keighley Fascinating insights into marine phytoplankton and its remarkable nutritional advantages, Deb - great info.
May 8, 2024 at 10:10am