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Posted by Deb Williams - Editor on August 06, 2018 - 8:37am Edited 8/31 at 10:27am


Why Is This Crypto Trading Industry So Different?

I've been a Crypto Enthusiast for 3 years now and see the bigger, brighter future for all of us.  I have been involved with number of Crypto Mining and Trading Companies.  Some are very good and have helped me accumulate my Bitcoin,  as well as pay bills and spend it on my family.  I actually convert it to Fiat Currency when there are no Bitcoin Merchants around to use and Some are not so good or downright scams. (As with all Niches in the online world).

And some just turned out to be the guinea pigs or test pilots. 


I was in one particular Company, in fact I'm still in it. They haven't gone belly up, nor are they a scam.  In my opinion, they just made some silly business decisions to initiate their demise in the Crypto Trading space.  They are still mining Crypto, and like many other Mining Companies, anxiously waiting for the Petahash that they ordered and paid for in full. 
The delay has been happening to a lot of Companies and many have had to close their doors.  When one doesn't have the mining power, of course that affects their profits. This company I'm relieved to say are still in business with Crypto Mining, unfortunately no longer in the Crypto Trading side.

Some of you may know which company I'm talking about. They took the online world by storm last year!  They had tremendous growth and momentum.  Even the company was gobsmacked with how fast it grew.  People's lives were being changed and everyone was making plans and so excited for their future.  Then it happened..... Cease & Desist Orders from certain States in the USA and Canada! 

With everything up in the air about Cryptocurrency, particular Bitcoin, in terms of what it was going to be classed as by the SEC and FTC, it just all seemed too hard to fight the powers that be. Hence, they ceased to do business in the USA and Canada. That's not the first Company to do that, by the way.

I do believe in my heart, they meant well.  And they still mean well. I'm getting paid back pennies daily with their mining profits as they are at this present time, but none the less getting paid.  

However, moving on, a lot has been clarified by the Feds and Bitcoin is deemed to be NOT a security!  

Well Hallelujah!

THINGS DO CHANGE, especially in this space. 



This new Company I'm referring to in my Title of this blog is Eyeline Trading.  The Founder and CEO of this Company watched the incredible success, then demise, as a trading company, so it's no mistake that the business model seems similar.  Only this time, they get it right from the get go! ET (Eyeline Trading) is also poised and ready to adapt to suit upcoming changes and laws should there be any. 
This is good news! So refreshing! Of course I jumped on board!  I had a very good feeling about this company and the Owner. 

Eyeline Trading is the American marketing company for Eyeline Business and Development, situated in Columbia.  Eyeline Business and Development has been a leader in the Cryptocurrency space for the several years now. 

 Dan Putnam, is from the USA, & the principal owner of Eyeline Trading which is the networking arm of the Eyeline Business Development, is a successful owner/manager of a series of network marketing companies, including related crypto mining. While he currently owns his own Mining farms, in the USA, he recently became part owner in an established company, Eyeline Business Development, that has been trading Forex and Crypto for the last 3 years. They also have their own Mining farms in Columbia, which can be visited, and an operational Crypto wallet AND Exchange. 

These aren't projects in development or "coming". These are already up and running, with people using them.  I have their E Wallet App and it works a treat. 

Eyeline Trading wants to be as transparent as possible. 50% of all trading packages go towards operations and affiliate commissions, and 50% goes directly into your trading account. NOTE: The Company can't give 100% to the trading company for your personal trading account and still pay commissions and run a company or that would be mathematically impossible and be labelled a ponzi. PLUS, you would be hit with expensive subcription fees, in like so many other Trading Companies. 

The MISSION of Eyeline Trading is to make accessible to the "average" person - leveraged strategies that lead you down a pathway to wealth. Giving everyone the chance to take control of their finances, free up their time and allow freedom.

For the first time, they have launched an Opportunity to participate with their Automated Crypto Trading activities only, from July 1st 2018. 

Here's a bullet point list...

* 3 year old established company with the opportunity being available worldwide. 
* Simple 3 x12 compensation plan. 
* Upgrade with 1 pack ONLY and secure your place in the forced matrix pending spillover
* Automated Trading Packages are just $40 in BTC. You can buy as many as you want. 
* The packages have individual buy/sell/trade freedom connected to them, so you are in control of each purchase/contract and the trading decisions, which is a KEY to SEC compliance. 
* Option to join at a free level, refer and earn 10% commissions. 
* 20% commission on your personally referred members, if you have purchased at least 1 trading package.
* We have our own exchange and Wallet with vault. No third parties. 


Think of it like Motorola.  It was the FIRST company to release a mobile phone but now people only think of Samsung or Apple.   Samsung or Apple did NOT invent the mobile phone...they just learned how to create a BETTER phone and promote it BETTER!

There is example after example of HUGE business success stories where someone studied WHY other companies had initial success but failed, and then created a SUPERIOR model with the core features that people loved about past models and put in place measures to PREVENT a repeat of the reasons others failed.
Often a MINOR twist packed better can become a WINNING success story!
Be careful not to VIEW the future through the rose colored glasses of the PAST.

So in a nut shell Eyeline Trading have perfected a very popular business model. And luckily, this is for the person that doesn't have big pockets! Now everyone can enjoy the fruits of what Cryptocurrency, mainly Bitcoin can bring... 
I'm exceedingly happy with my progress to date, with this Company, getting paid daily, weekly and monthly! It all adds up. 
Look out for my blog on Compliance and what Eyeline Trading has executed to stay on track. Stay tuned.... 



Deborah Williams

Proud Associate of Markethive

Eyeline Trading Partner

Watch the Video & JOIN US HERE 



Corneliu Boghian thanks for the sharing
April 21, 2021 at 3:38am