Sales Trainer extraordinaire, the late great Jim Rohn once said - “Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people”
I was on a zoom meeting with 3 of my best insurance brokers earlier this week. All 3 are primarily marketing Medicare Supplemental insurance to people over the age of 65…
One agent is 74, one is 67 and the “kid” is 30. The “kid” has been in the business 5 years now, the other two 40 and 32 years respectively and I’ve been in the insurance business since 1979….
We were practicing what to say (and how to say it) to market more life insurance. We went through “telephone talk” and scripts and how to close the sale. Between the 4 of us I estimate we’ve probably sold a couple thousand life insurance policies over the years but of course the market is always changing and all 4 of us want to sell more…
Earlier today I was getting a “pitch” from a nice young man marketing a network marketing opportunity that he joined a few weeks ago. He was obviously a little nervous but I helped keep him on track. Although I don’t sell his product it was clear that I knew more about it than he did.
I gave him a few suggestions, told him how persistence and practice was his greatest leverage and reinforced that he really was representing a great company and product - BUT - he needed a little more practicing/drilling/rehearsing and while he could certainly practice on prospects, he might find it more to his benefit to practice with his sponsor or a friend or a mirror while recording himself on his smartphone...
Those are 3 "magic tricks of selling"...
It’s a simple lesson but one that too frequently is skipped. Take some time to learn your craft, practice that presentation, drill like you are getting ready for a sporting event, rehearse like you were going to perform in a play.
3 great thoughts I borrowed from “Swim with the Sharks” author/speaker Harvey Mackay that seem to me to fit here...
Greatly blessed - Highly favored and eternally grateful
Bill Bateman - (that’s like "BATMAN" with an “E” in the middle I tell people on the phone)
PS - a LOT has changed since COVID - business cards will be one of the industries that will probably disappear and they really aren’t necessary anymore. I found the modern equivalent - the virtual business card that I like from Shuffle by Elify. You can have your own virtual card for free (just 1) but for as little as $10 a month you can have 10 business cards and unlimited contacts and for a $50 1 time fee you can increase from 10 to 100 business cards.
Below is my simple replicated introduction landing page (it’s an affiliate link and yes I’ll get paid a small commission if you upgrade)
Shuffle Introduction Landing Page:
PPS - You can be an affiliate too (of course) first step is try the card for yourself, second step upgrade to $10 a month and simultaneously become an affiliate. Be part of the evolution of business cards.