I found your Video sales tool! It's called Klippyo
I know you’ve noticed,
Video content is now dominating social media in a completely different way and the people who realize this are creating hugely popular channels with more fans and subscribers.
But creating video content ain’t easy...
Shooting, editing, and publishing fresh content is a complex, time-consuming task. It’s a constant struggle to get noticed.
The people that put in the effort to get noticed deserve the fans, all the accolades, and the sales they get as a result.
The problem is video has changed so much that many people are completely failing to get any traction at all.
And it’s not because of a lack of effort, or bad content, or any reason you’d typically think of.
You could have the best content in the world, and it’ll still not getting seen.
And it’s all because of the different WAY video is being used.
The good news is once you know what’s so different, making the change and reaping the rewards is easy. .
And the results….
Can be stunning!
• 80-100% more engagement.
• 30-35% higher video views.
• 33% less cost per engagement.
• 78% more visibility in newsfeeds.
And the really good news is that there’s a new application that’s just launched called Klippyo that lets ANYONE make these changes with next no effort at all.
This is a solid app, created by a team who’ve worked with brands like Sony, Tesla, and Vodafone.
The app I found (through my partners Viddyoze) is used and fully endorsed by video marketing celebrity Derral Eves, the number one brand ambassador for the TubeBuddy platform...
Derral is EASILY one of the world’s foremost YouTuber experts with over half a million subscribers.
So there’s a pedigree behind this app that doesn’t come around all that often.
If you want to know…
HOW video has changed
WHY that’s important to you, and (most importantly)
WHAT to do to ramp up your video engagement by as much as 100% then everything you need to know is here:
So QUIT reading - go watch the video
You know video is “where it’s at” in marketing right now but (if you’re like I used to be) you’re confused and/or overwhelmed by the “how to”
This offer is time-limited offer, and even if you don’t make use of the exclusive deal, the 3 bits of advice you’ll read are worth their weight in gold - so check it out while the page is still active.
Bill Bateman (like “Batman” with an “E” in the middle)
Finding stuff you need and telling you about it
PS - this product WILL be around for a long time I think. Buying it now will save you money because it’s a product launch BUT you’ll be able to get it later (it will just cost a little more) SO...bookmark this, call me if you like, do your homework (right now it’s about $100)
PPS - obviously I’m an affiliate. If you buy through my link I’ll make some money AND…
There’s a 30-day money back guarantee - check it out. Don’t like it - get your hard earned money back