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The Biden Takeover

Posted by Bill Bateman on January 25, 2021 - 4:49am

Periodically I love someone else's post so well I just have to share it...


This came from my friend John Driskill on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/john.driskill2


You Biden voters should be proud....

Executive orders signed by an incoming president in the first few weeks in office

Trump 4

Obama 8

Bush 2

Clinton 2

Biden...30 and counting (19 in less than 24 hrs)

Some of the things Biden has done to “unite” our divided country...

1. 100 day mask mandate (doesn’t apply to him as he was seen without one multiple times)

2 Rejoined Paris Climate agreement which will cost American workers millions of jobs and $3 trillion in potential economic growth by 2040

3. Welcomed illegal immigrants by opening borders (on the same day he sent National Guard troops to sleep in a garage btw)

4. Halted the Keystone Pipeline causing 11,000 people to lose their job in one day. To this, Biden said “they can find another job”

5. Reversed Trump’s order to remove China’s access to our power grid. Making us susceptible to cyber attack

6. Thwarted religious freedom by reversing protection of healthcare workers from having to preform sex gender change surgeries and abortions if their religion is against it.

7. Moved to lift the cost cap on insulin and Epi-pens

8. Ended all gas and oil leases on fenders land. Ensuring more jobs lost and your gas pricing sky rocketing.

9. Made it so your daughter has to compete In sports with men who identify as a women and share women’s showers and dressing rooms with them.

10. Rescinded the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission, which was established by “to better enable a rising generation to understand the history and principles of the founding of the United States

11. Moved to include illegal aliens and non-citizens in census counts. This provides places like California, New York etc additional congressional seats despite the inability of these people to vote.

On one occasion the camera was on Biden when an executive order was laid in front of him to sign. You can clearly hear him say “I don’t know what I’m signing”. He signed anyway.

Although not executive orders Biden also sent troops back into Syria on his first day. He has also stated that there is nothing that can be done to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months but openly and blatantly criticized Trump’s handling of the pandemic stating holding that he had “a plan”.

Feeling “United” yet??

Bill Bateman 3 new proposed taxes mentioned today including 1 - Bringing back the Obamacare penalty tax 2 - adding a new $200 per year per gun gun tax 3 - a new capital gains tax on inherited property (on top of the inheritance tax)
January 25, 2021 at 10:02pm
Mihai Cristian Thanks for sharing
January 25, 2021 at 5:44pm
Bill Rippel Sad, Sad, Sad situation we have here on planet earth.
January 25, 2021 at 5:07pm
M H Especially point 9 and 11 seems "very practical". What will Trump voters do with this ??
January 25, 2021 at 10:50am
SÉRGIO LEITE Obrigado por compartilhar.
January 25, 2021 at 5:37am