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The M's of effective marketing

Posted by Bill Bateman on December 28, 2019 - 8:05pm

So you found a product that you LOVE. It does just what you want it do and the price is a bargain.

You can't believe the value and armed with your enthusiasm and capitalistic inclination you contact the company and get an affiliate agreement.

Happy days, you found that "winner" that you know everybody will want to buy and YOU can sell it to them!

With some amount of luck, that story has a happy ending with you getting wealthy sharing the product you found with a never ending mob of hungry buyers happy to give you their money because they are grateful that you gave them just what they wanted.


That doesn't happen very often because in most cases, most people marketing most products/services ignore what I call the "M's"...

Full disclosure, I didn't invent the "M's", I borrowed them from years ago when I belong to a Dan Kennedy study group. (if you're not familiar, Dan's one of histories great copywriters and marketing thought leaders).

Specifically, the "M's" are...

Match your Message to your Market using the best Media

That's not complicated but it does require a little common sense reflection every single time you are considering marketing any product or any service.

If you are selling adult diapers, you don't target teenagers. You market to 70 year olds and/or their adult children who are responsible for them.

If you are selling hamburgers, recent heart surgery patients are generally not a good target audience. Sell your hamburger to 18 to 70 year olds who enjoy hamburgers.

Don't sell ice to Eskimos. Sell ice to people who are having parties at their house, or better still, sell ice to people who cater parties.

#1 - Match that message to the market

#2 - Use the best Media for the market

My 18 and 15 year old sons tell me Facebook is for "old people" like me. They use Snapchat.

My insurance agents audience doesn't look at their email anymore. They have too darn much of it. But, they do look at every text message they get and every piece of "snail mail".

I post a message to social media about my favorite auto-responder "Get Response". Nobody (actually 3 people in 6 years) buys from that link (and I have well over 200,000 followers between Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, IBOToolbox, MarketHive, MySpace, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok)


I pick up the phone, call 6 of my followers and tell them why GetResponse is great and 1 (out of 6) buys almost every single time!


Pay attention to the "M's".

Be sure that you are matching your message to your market using the media that they use.

Bill Bateman (like BATMAN with an "E" in the middle)

Happy New Year 2020

PS - the link in my post is to Mark Joyner's Simpleology time management system. If you struggle with time management it's especially pertinent




Bill Bateman thank you both. It's a lesson I have to remind myself of every day.
January 8, 2020 at 7:30am
Mack Shead Jr Great points Bill
January 2, 2020 at 1:16am
Gerald Roberts Yes, I hear your message, target your market and market your target, there's a lot of unsold products sitting around In warehouses unsold because somebody thought they had a hot seller only to find out later It didn't really appeal to retail buyers.
December 29, 2019 at 9:38pm