The MarketHive social neural network for entrepreneurs presents inbound marketing solutions like no other platform. One huge reason why is because I'm not sure there's another person with more experience than the Godfather and inventor of of Automated Marketing Mr. Thomas Prendergast. He builted another company 20 years ago called Veretekk that was definately way ahead of it's time. Here's a short headway passage from one of his blogs that gives the best intro into the beginning of Inbound Marketing. "Veretekk invented Automated Marketing (in 1996), later to become known as Inbound Marketing (MarketHive). Veretekk’s traffic portal offers, auto responders, Broadcasting technology (The Hammer), Conference rooms and sales funnel process became the foundation that today is known as Inbound Marketing". You can read one of his recent blogs about Inbound Marketing that is as good as they come by Clicking Here.
No matter who you ask that has at least the basic understanding of what Inbound Marketing is, agree on its basic concept. Inbound marketing is about being able to attract customers through a funnel of tools such as websites, blogs, online newsletters, eBooks, video, podcasts, SEO, social media and other forms of content marketing. In other words you try to create enough interesting content with the above mentioned online tools that will attract customers to you, instead of you going directly to them. Not that the days of paying sales people, cold calling, flyer handouts and even buying email list don't work anymore, it's just that it's not as effective and time consuming too. The beautiful thing is that once you attract a customer that is comfortable in the quality info that they are looking for, many times they will leave you their contact info to get more info.
Inbound Marketing is now one of the most effective ways of building a business. It's not always now about the typical eye to eye sales pitch with the "Compelling Offer" but rather now the "Compelling Info" so they trust you and want more. Your info is now available to them 24/7 at home on desktops, laptops and even many TV's now. If they are not home to view your info, Tablets and mobile phones are always in their hands. Companies are popping up all over the world that specializes in Inbound Marketing options for you at a price. I would strongly suggest that before you payout one dollar to anyone that you read this article called "Inbound Marketing Explained and Compared". You will learn all you need to know about Inbound Marketing from the guy that started it all actually 20 years ago. Plus there's a video that goes over a few of the most reputable companies prices that offer Inbound marketing solutions by Clicking Here Now.
Bruce Jacobs