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Welcome to Markethive

The #MarketHive Alpha Founding program is now coming to an end. The MarketHive "Alpha Founder Partnerships" were made available on a limited basis to the first 1,000 people and companies that were invited by other MarketHive members. Actually some Alpha Founders also came onboard by doing their due diligence after coming across some form of advertising too. Please do NOT confuse the MarketHive neural social network for a homebase, work-at-home, MLM or Network Marketing opportunity.

Understand that the MarketHive social network gives people and companies the opportunity to speak on whatever their passions are. The MarketHive social neural platform allows you to connect your message virally for free through their premium internet based tools that's built on social neural concepts in a Facebook like feel. Whether you're looking to generate new leads or communicate with current people in our global economy, MarketHive can help you thrive.

I'm a Alpha Founder in the MarketHive social network and would love for you to join us. the MarketHive neural approach to social marketing is first of its kind. I've known and have witness firsthand the work of the owner of the MarketHive social marketing network for over 20 years. His previous business network had millions of user. In other words he's been there and done that. As a matter of fact his last network lasted about 15 years. Now you have the opportunity of being a part of what has the making of something much bigger than before.

This is your last call to take part in the Alpha Founding promotion. The "Alpha Founders" promotion is only a few new members away from reaching their 1,000th member. Get more info by watching the videos at https://markethive.com/brucejacobs