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Welcome to Markethive

Would you like to increase your good deeds by helping humanity, animals and environment with a simple FREE click?

You may click once a day, every day.

Care2 is a social networking website that was founded by Randy Paynter in 1998. The goal of the site is to connect activists from around the world with other individuals, organizations and responsible businesses making an impact.  

Our Promise: Welcome to Care2, the world's largest community for good. Here, you'll find over 45 million like-minded people working towards progress, kindness, and lasting impact.

Care2 Stands Against: bigots, bullies, science deniers, misogynists, gun lobbyists, xenophobes, the willfully ignorant, animal abusers, frackers, and other mean people. If you find yourself aligning with any of those folks, you can move along, nothing to see here.

Care2 Stands With: humanitarians, animal lovers, feminists, rabble-rousers, nature-buffs, creatives, the naturally curious, and people who really love to do the right thing.
You are our people. You Care. We Care2.  

Who We Are

Care2 is a network of millions of people around the globe, dedicated to building a better world. We use our cutting-edge technology and team of experienced campaigners to fuel the progressive movement by uniting our members with nonprofits and mission-based brands working on the causes they care about. 

You Care. We Care2.

We focus on being on the forefront of creating technology that connects people to ways to make a difference in the world.


We spend a lot of time thinking about…

  • Animal Welfare
  • Women’s Rights & Reproductive Justice
  • The Environment
  • LGBT Rights
  • Children’s Health & Welfare
  • International Development
  • Education
  • Wildlife Protection
  • Healthcare Rights
  • Immigration & Dreamers
  • Civil Rights & Criminal Justice Reform
  • ... and so many more. About Care2    

    Our Business Model

    Care2 is a social enterprise, using business as a force for good. We work with over 2,700 nonprofits and mission-based brands. We partner with them to grow their communities faster and deliver on their brand promise more efficiently, by connecting them to supporters who are passionate about the causes they support.

    Nonprofits and brands come to us with a goal. They may want to grow their customer or supporter base, drive comments during public comment periods, start letter-writing campaigns or drive signature counts on petition campaigns. We help them reach their goal, and create real impact, by tailoring our services to their needs through permission-based outreach to our millions of like-minded members.


    With nearly one billion petition signatures to date, we’ve been involved in significant change on every scale, from pushing Netflix to declare new policies that guarantee men and women are paid equally for equal roles to ending the trapping and killing of urban foxes in London’s Paddington Station. We secured medicine for an 8-year-old girl suffering from epilepsy and convinced Westfield Malls to end their holiday practice of keeping captive reindeer.


    The Care2 team is made of humanitarians, animal lovers, feminists, rabble-rousers, nature-buffs, creatives and the naturally curious.

    We stand against bigots, bullies, science deniers, misogynists, gun lobbyists, xenophobes, the willfully ignorant, animal abusers, frackers and more. We work on building a community of like-minded people working toward progress, kindness and lasting impact.

    See Care2’s executive team.


    A Few Words From Our Founder

    One of my favorite movies growing up was Dr. Seuss', "The Lorax" who says "UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." I started Care2 because I wanted people to know, "You care. We Care2." You may be the only one in your family, or town, that believes in gay rights, or getting toxins out of our foods, or protecting the welfare of animals - but there's a whole community of people who Care2.

    As a pioneer in the social enterprise space, it was really hard to find financing. Investors wanted to invest in the next Cisco or Microsoft. Donors wanted to support their favorite nonprofit. At the time, almost no one believed it was possible to do well AND do good at the same time. Fortunately, I was able to find a few crazy dreamers who shared my belief in a new model - where a company could make money by actually making the world a better place. I call this model an engine for good. It works like this: the more good we do, the more revenue we make. We then use that revenue to help people do more good, in a virtuous cycle.

    Visit www.care2services.com to learn more.   

  • http://caretoclick.com/  


    Launched in 2012


    To raise funds for non-profits via the everyday internet activities of our users and to spread the word about organizations that are truly working to make tomorrow better than today.


    Call +1 561-555-1212






    Come donate a FREE click to protect animals, habitats and people in need. Find out what you're capable of at Care to Click http://www.caretoclick.com

    Care to Click is a social action network where anyone can make a difference. Our site is divided into causes ranging from cancer research to rainforest conservation. Each cause page offers new opportunities for you to provide assistance, often for free. Sign up and begin tracking your social impact with a customized dashboard. Our platform transforms what users do everyday and makes their actions charitable.

    General Information

    Visit http://caretoclick.com to watch a video about our site and how we are helping non-profits make a greater impact in the world.

    Founding Date

    Tracilyn Scala


    Cause tees, coupons, free offers and a shopping app




www.greatergood.com “If your vision is only for yourself, what you create cannot last: it must be for some greater good.” For 20 years GreaterGood has connected changemakers with causes they care about. Together we've raised more than $60 million for People, Pets and the Planet. Through shopping, daily free clicks, donations, and more — small actions make a big impact! 

http://www.pajacyk.pl/#index CLICK the hungry tummy!

How does Freerice work?

As you play Freerice and answer questions right, advertisements appear on your screen. When you see one of these advertisements, you trigger a financial payment to the World Food Programme (WFP) to support its work saving and changing lives around the world.

In the game, these payments are represented via grains of rice. The amount of money generated when you see an advertisement can vary, but is roughly equivalent to what the World Food Programme spends to purchase 10 grains of rice.

By playing, you are generating the money that pays for this rice. This money is used for many types of assistance — not just rice — depending on where needs are greatest. Regardless of the type of assistance, you can be sure that 100% of all funds generated on Freerice go to the World Food Programme, and 93.5% of every payment received by the World Food Programme goes directly towards helping children and their families. Freerice does not earn or keep any money it raises. You can learn more about the different ways the World Food Programme is funded here.

Which children’s rights issue should you champion?
Right now, nearly 1 in 4 children are growing up in countries affected by conflict or disaster – they need advocates like you to stand up for their rights. Take our quiz to match with your ideal advocacy issue. When you match, you’ll unlock 50 cents for children.
http://www.cliquealimentos.com.br/Inicial FEED HUNGRY in BRAZIL Click to feed

http://cancerdemama.com.br/ TO HELP BREAST CANCER RESEARCH IN BRAZIL
http://www.bhookh.com/ Thank You !
You have donated a cup of staple food to a hungry Indian through the UN.
Please remember to come back tomorrow.
http://www.okruszek.org.pl/ CLICK the BREAD to feed the hungry!


John Brockamp, TCHF of Oregon President

The Tarahumara Childrens Hospital Fund (TCHF) consists of four separate groups working together to support the Jesuit Tarahumara Mission in the Copper Canyon of Mexico. These groups are located in Detroit MI, New Orleans, LA and Milwaukie (Portland), OR. The Mission headquarters is in Creel, Chihuahua, Mexico, with Fr. Miguel Quintanilla, S.J. serving as Director since March of 2015.
The TCHF was first established in Detroit in 1966 as an independent, non-profit, tax deductible organization.  Since that time, chapters have been created in Louisiana in 1983 and Oregon in 1998.  Our purpose is to raise money and awareness in the United States to support vital services provided to the Tarahumara Indians in the Copper Canyon region of Mexico.  The 60,000 Tarahumara Indians who live in the Sierra Mountains maintain lifestyles much like their ancient ancestors.  Many still live in caves, without electricity or running water.  Their dire poverty results in malnutrition, parasites, and many intestinal diseases, which still claim 25-40% of their children before their fifth birthday. The Mission Tarahumara, headed by a compassionate Jesuit priest, provides a range of services to the Tarahumara people. First, a medical clinic was created. Today, it has 75 beds, 2/3 for children. The mission is also responsible for digging water wells which provide safe drinking water for many people.  A boarding school has been developed which teaches Indian children about their own culture, the Spanish language, and teaches them skills to make a living as farmers, craftsmen, and teachers of their people. In recent years, outdated and obsolescent oxygen and X-Ray equipment has been replaced as well as heavily used ambulances and rehabilitative playground equipment.  All of these projects are funded through the generous help of patrons from around the country and the world.
The Tarahumara people do not have the means to pay for these services themselves. The Mission must rely on the support of foundations and individuals who recognize the importance of both preserving a cultural heritage and ensuring the healthy future of a tribal community. Fr. Miguel Quintanilla, S.J., the new Mission Director, continues the belief in "helping people help themselves". The Mission does not just provide charity today.  It trains and uplifts the Indian people so that they can provide for themselves tomorrow.
Please visit the rest of our site for more information about the Mission Tarahumara.   Thank you for visiting us and we invite you to stop in at our "Donation" center located at the tab at the top of this page.
John Brockamp,  President, Tarahumara Children's Hospital Fund of Oregon
John and Peggy Brockamp of Milwaukie, OR first visited the Tarahumara region of Mexico during an excursion to the Copper Canyon in Chihuahua, Mexico in the late 1990's.  During a brief stop in the small town of Creel they came upon the local church and its priest Fr. Luis Verplancken.  After a short conversation, they learned that this priest had been stationed in Creel for more than 30 years during which time he had helped to build a dam, dig water wells, build schools and most importantly erect a hospital to provide medical care for the indigenous Tarahumara Indians.   The mission was totally dependent on the financial assistance of patrons and donors in Mexico and from abroad.   Fr. Verplancken went on to explain that non-profit organizations had been set up in New Orleans and Detroit many years ago and were integral to the ongoing operation.   John, a retired general contractor, and Peggy, a retired RN, were looking for a project to keep them active and involved during retirement.  A light went off in John's head and he asked, and then convinced Peggy that they should start a chapter in Milwaukie. 15 years later, the Oregon chapter of the TCHF is proud to follow in the fine tradition set in place by New Orleans and Detroit.


What is Shop for Your Cause™?

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Shop For Your Cause lets people direct a percentage of their online purchase to whatever cause they wish, just as if the cashier at a brick -and-mortar check out counter asked you where you wanted your sales tax to go. This empowers individuals and organizations to help control the world around them. If you want a percentage of your purchase to go to your local church or school, that is where we will send it. If you want it to go to your local conservation organization or hospital then we will send it there. If you are an organization and want to get people shopping for you, simply Sign Up.

How it works is very simple - Shop For Your Cause gets paid to advertise for companies. We take that advertising revenue and donate a portion to your cause. You pay the exact same amount you would have paid had you not gone through our site.

Read more at https://www.shopforyourcause.com/about#51I72MrwD50UDhDX.99                                                                                                          The Prophet saw said ‘’...the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even though it were little.”


This is Lynelle, a brave Canadian teen who stood up to cyberbullying and joined us on the WE Day stage to help youth #RiseAbove. You too can help youth #RiseAbove cyberbullying. For every comment in support left on this post, we’ll donate $5 to the WE Movement.

InspireMore is an uplifting media site that gives users the ability to make a global impact simply by watching or sharing inspiring content. http://www.inspiremore.com/

What’s your Poo IQ? Take the quiz, and unlock 50 cents for @unicefusa http://bit.ly/2eUIYzu
clicking on the link = is your click!

http://polskieserce.pl/ Click on the heart to contribute


#charitymiles #charitymilesapp #donate #movewithpurpose #walk #run #hike #bike #sponsors

Free food to dogs in South Africa with 5 clicks!


http://www.catsvscancer.org/ Watch cat videos and fund cancer research! 

This Rescue Kitten Loves To Sleep http://www.catsvscancer.org/2019/10/rescue-kitten-loves-sleep/ via @catsvscancer
http://www.animalwebaction.com/ https://bigcatrescue.org/get-involved/volunteer/i-care-click-to-feed-a-big-cat/

Free click
Sterilization of stray cats

"The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity." (Al-Tirmidhi: 604)
"Every act of goodness is charity." (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 496).
http://cannecy.free.fr/waste/ Click to clean waste
http://cannecy.free.fr/solar/ Click to convert to solar energy 

#children #orphans #humanity #help #MakeADifference #education #support #blessings #sadaqa #charity #rewards #GoodDeeds #gooddeedsday #cleanwater #housing #shelter #protection #care2 #caretoclick



Kevin Jacobson Sounds like a great idea to help some good charities.
November 13, 2019 at 3:03pm