Hello everyone,
If you wish read this article in french, please, click : HERE - Si vous souhaitez lire cet article en français, svp, cliquer : ICI
FUTURENET, and its other digital products, and also, non-digital, has become a BIG SCAM from Roman ZIEMIAN and Stephan MORGENSTERN, the 2 co-founders of the social network FutureNET which was launched at the end of October 2014, one of the digital products of which is the advertising platform FutureAdPro, others like the cryptocurrency, FuturoCoin, and, from the companion of Stephan Morgenstern, Anna PIATKOWSKA-CHMIEL, which had, and still has, serious consequences for my life such as:
If you could help me to find Roman and Stephan, Anna, and most of all, money that I have earned from my work.
I registered in March 2016 as a member / user.
This screenshot below, with Roman on the left and Stephan on the right, dates from May 04th, 2019. Six months later, they left the ship without any news:
Then, the last webinar on Facebook live from Dubai, was on November 05th, 2019. Since that date, no more news. They're in Dubai, but they keep posting on social media. I prove it below in this article.
NOTE: I know perfectly this FutureNet platform, and all its products, since I was, and I still am, the admin of the unofficial Francophone World Futurenet Group on Facebook where I have posted every day since April 2016.
I have the official documentation of FutureNET, and above all, that of FutureadPro v2 which you can consult: HERE (version 2 - 2018), where it is clearly specified that advertising packages at $ 50 are for sale.
Here is the description of the products developed by FutureNet:
If you wanted to know and understand the FutureNET project, I invite you to read my article in French with beautiful graphics that I have designed: ICI (it's quite long with relevant graphics), and in English (I haven't gotten time to design the graphics in English): HERE. However, I have composed a brief summary of it below.
FutureNET launches its own cryptocurrency FuturoCoin which was one of the sponsors on the 2 RedBull formulas 1 in 2019, and in 2020, FutureCoin was replaced by PayVoo. Here is the evidence:
What I am losing in money, however, you will see by reading my emails sent twice a week to FutureNET support, which administers FutureAdpro, I do happen huge glitches to me not funny at all, like, not eating because of lack of money, while :
a) I own 370 advertising packages for $50 each on FutureAdPro that expire at $60 in several indefinite days. 370 x 50 = 18 500$ ; 370 x 60 = $22 200
b) I own 50 advertising packages for 10$ each on FutureAdpro that expire at $12. 50 x 10 = 500 ; 50 x 12 = $600
c) I have been expecting a payment of $110 since June 2019.
d) Then another $230 since February 07th, 2020.
e) I own $725 into my FutureAdPro balance.
f) The value of the packages ($50 and $10) and the rest (balance + 2 unpaid payments) represent approximately $24,000 of loss and 4 years of lost work :
22 200 + 600 + 725 + 110 + 230 = 23 865$
My FutureAdPro v2 account on the January 23th, 2019 :
My FutureAdPro v2 account on the December 12th, 2019 :
The numbers below represent 374 $ 50 packs that expire at $ 60 with no specified time, the number 50 represents $ 10 ad packs that expire at $ 12 with no specified time, and, the Total FND Vouchers represents my balance in cash dollars since FND stands for FutureNetDollars.
My account on the May 04th, 2020 : 372 packs for 50$, 50 packs for 10$ and 712.88$ into my balance :
While I was writing this post, the FutureAdPro site became a suspended domain, on August 25th, 2020 around 9:00 am when I was doing my 10 daily clicks.
The profile that I have founded of Roman ZIEMIAN, Stephan MORGENSTERN, and his companion Anna PIATKOWSKA-CHMIEL :
If their profile were to disappear, and the Police needed information, I would post their faces and various activities here on my Linkedin account and on the NET. I will keep this article in several forms, and it will be sent to other people in the event of my strange disappearance. If I were to die, it can only be voluntary because:
sur Instagram :
His face closer :
We can see it clearly in the first photos, he is now in petroleum and the management of Covid-19 ... it brings in more money than the social network FutureNet and advertising via FutureAdPro, or its cryptocurrency FuturoCoin:
Then he gets into the vaccine on covid-19:
Relationship with a Sheikh (we will see later), environment, and above all, leadership, which we will see later that he has abandoned the FutureNET ship although he was the co-founder since 2012, officially launched towards the end of October 2014.
Car racing, through Ferrari, a car that I will never be able to afford, and then, that does not make me dream, either:
On his Instagram profile, he notes an address to a Swiss clinic (I'm nice, I put the link to bring him traffic) - You will notice a Swiss clinic that is in Dubai - strange, right? : https://clinicswiss.com/
And, they're in research with a transplant (ouh lala, it looks like they're injecting a nanotechnology chip - Is it to control the population?):
In the next post that he publishes on linkedin (as well as on instagram), I comment on Monday August 17, 2020 by saying: "How can you write this; you have given up as co-CEO of FutureNET". And I added my email that I forwarded in the morning to FutureNET support that I put at the bottom of this article. Consequently, he blocked me from comments (yes, he did not like his content which is that I had not eaten for several days out of several months because of him and Stephan). Below, I put the content of my email:
The Sheik - Not just anyone since his site mentions him as His Highness, but, he has nothing to do with FutureNET. Roman Ziemian wanted to show off with a good person to show that he does good in the world ... no, no, no, except for me, but also, thousands, even millions of FutureNET members who claimed 5 to 6 million users:
His Highness, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Nahyan
Note: by the way, if he, His Highness, consults this article, his site is not configured in https. For the price he pays the person who designed his site, he should think about paying competent people.
Now let's move on to Stephan Morgenstern, his facebook account where he says that he lives in Dubai:
Now, Stephan's companion, Anna PIATKOWSKA-CHMIEL, whom I had found by chance on instagram. Unfortunately, I made a mistake to ask for her in subscribers. You will easily understand that she blocked me automatically. She, and, they, do not want to face their scams. Last photo, with the red tie, dated May 29, 2020. They are beautiful, aren't they ...? They don't look like that, but, they are crooks who left behind 5 million FutureNET users since November 05th, 2019.
NOTE : A complaint has been filed with the FBI by J. Ryan Conley whose Linkedin profile is : HERE.
Below is the last email that I have sent to support that I posted as a comment on Roman Ziemian's Linkedin posts. He has blocked me in comment. I will continue to send the message below to FutureNET support to collect my pennies twice a week, Monday and Thursday, and more, if I have to. This Roman Ziemian posts photos and posts on his instagram account with a very important character from the United Arab Emirates since he is named His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Nahyan:
The last email, with proof, written on July 27th, 2020, that I wrote in English of course. Roman ... apparently doesn't like the truth ... but one day or another, he will have to face it. By blocking me, it erases my comments except that I made 2 screenshots.
"Hello eveyone,
1 - I have never received my 110$ on my coindeal account since June 06th, 2019. YES, since June 06th 2019 (We are the August 17th, 2020). On my fap2 account, it marked finished on the status, but I have never received this money. I had contacted coindeal support and they can't answer me. futureadpro support and coindeal support can't answer and solve this issue.
2 - I haven't received my 230$ on my coindeal account since February 07th, 2020. This futureadpro 2 status is still in waiting ...
One day, you will must pay my money that I have earned by my work.
My life is a Nightmare due to FutureAdPro.
This mail is the 25th mail.
Thank you very much
Have a nice day
Best regards,
See you soon,
M. Christophe LEROY"
To prove what I write is true, I earn 16.89 € per day, I share my bank account statement for the month of July 2020 -
Explanations of my bank numbers :
506.70€ social unemployment benefits,
50€ for eating,
20€ for eating,
117.88€ : internet purchases,
9.99€ for my mobile,
20€ for eating,
18.30 quarterly bank contribution,
42.99€, internet membership,
11.30€, books membership,
10€, 20€ for eating,
36.99€ for my mobile,
10€, 10€ for eating,
104.02€ for paying the rent of my flat,
27€ for eating,
Balance for this month: 50 + 20 + 20 + 10 + 20 + 10 + 10 + 27 = 167 € to eat in 31 days, or 5.38 € per day. And, I own 370 ad packs purchased for $50 each with an expiration at $60. I also lose 4 years of work. I own $725 in balance and two unpaid payments of $110 and $230.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I add that the date from August 13th to September 03rd, 2020, or 21 days, I only have 32 €, or 1.52 € per day to eat,
For ten days, I bought 12 olive tomatoes 2.07 €, and a nut bread at 1.59 € which was my only food for the whole day, then, from August 23th to September 03rd, 2020, 10 days, I have eaten thanks to apple trees, hazelnuts and blackberries, while, I own 370 $50 purchased packs on FutureAdPro v2, and, Roman Ziemian and Stephan Morgenstern are serene in Dubai not delivering any news since November 05th, 2019.
This following are the amounts that are my assets and my purchases of advertising packages FutureAdPro sold on its website at $50 and $10:
Note : 110 + 230 + 725 = $1 065 are what I earned with the advertising packages.
Note+ : 18 500 + 500 = $19 000 are the total amounts of advertising package purchases.
Due to the fact that I have not eaten 2 to 4 days per month during the last 4 months, I ask to be paid for the value of the products and services purchases sold by FutureAdPro when it expires, i.e. the $50 ad packs expire at $60, ad packs for $10 expire at $12. I am not talking about the consequences of covid-19 on my psychology. Fortunately, I have the knowledge in nutrition, aromatherapy, herbal medicine. here are the figures I am claiming for compensation:
FutureNET, through
FutureAdPro v2 pays me
either, small a) or $20,065, or,
either, small b), or $23,865
Summarize my actions :
Here the article's content :
"Good morning, His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Nahyan,
I have seen you through Roman Ziemian instagram and Linkedin profile. He was Co-CEO of FutureNet social network, and, Stephan Morgenstern too.
I have gotten, I have always huge glitches due to Roman Ziemian and Stephan Morgenstern, Founders of FutureNet, whom don't want to pay me through their advertising platform called FutureAdPro. I explain it into the article on my personal linkedin account, about FutureNet and its products and my catastrophic situations due to Roman and Stephan.
We have any news from these 2 crooks since November 05th 2020 despite 25 emails to their FutureNET support. Any answer ! Nothing !
They have even blocked me because I want to recover my money that I have earnt by my work through the ad packs that I have purchased on their platform ! Scandalous ! I'm close to become a tramp ! I have any money to eat but all my money are into FutureAdPro that they don't want to pay me. Roman and Stephan should be in jail !
If you can do something for me, I will be happier.
Avec mes remerciements, Bien cordialement, Prenez soin de votre santé, le meilleur pour la suite
M. Christophe Leroy alias cleroy61"
Voici ce que j'ai écris sur leur site en 3 étapes - je ne traduis pas car vous pouvez mettre dans google translate, ça fait le boulot très correctement :
"I have seen through Roman Ziemian instagram and Linkedin profile. He was Co-CEO of FutureNet social network and Stephan Morgenstern too.
I have gotten I have always huge glitches due to Roman Ziemian and Stephan Morgenstern Founders of FutureNet, whom do not want to pay me through their advertising platform called FutureAdPro. I explain it into the article on my personal linkedin account, about FutureNet and its products and my catastrophic situations due to Roman and Stephan.
We have any news from these 2 crooks since November 05th 2019 despite 25 emails to their FutureNET support. Any answer ... Nothing ...
They have even blocked me because I want to recover my money that I have earnt by my work through the ad packs that I have purchased on their platform ... Scandalous ... I am close to become a tramp. I have any money to eat but all my money are into FutureAdPro that they do not want to pay me. Roman and Stephan should be in jail ...
If you can do something for me, I will be happier. I could send you the article that I have written about them for more details. I ca not put here, your website prohibited it.
I am a user and active member of FutureNET and FutureAdpro
FutureNet social media through FutureAdPro advertising platform does not pay their members
FutureNet exists since 2014 but any news since nov 2019 from Roman Ziemian and Stephan Morgenstern.
bitcoin through coindeal cryptocurrencies platform
numéro de plainte : 220100116287
application status :
Your comment :
Thank you very much if you can assist me by finding a solution to my huge glitches due to FutureNet CEO and Founder Roman Ziemian and Stephan Morgenstern
I have written an article to explain in details what happen against me and a lot members"
Voici le recu sous le numéro : 220100116287
Of course, these individuals are protected by laws, by countries. So much so that I have shared with other very active members / users whom have lost a lot of money to spread this information as much as possible, even if this article were to disappear.
You never know if I should disappear :
I received an email on Thursday August 27, 2020, from GDPR Watching (General Data Protection Regulation), and the Polish version (Polish version is RODO - Rozporządzenie Ogólne o Ochronie Danych Osobowych), - we see where the email from, Roman Ziemian being of Polish nationality - of which you have a copy below that I add after the picture :
"Dear Sir,
It came to our attention that you constantly violate both GDPR and RODO regulations.
Unfortunately if you do not stop spreading personal information without individuals consent you will be fined and potentially sued for slander. Especially because you are not aware of the facts. People you falsely accuse sold the company many years ago.
We advise you to issue an apology to relevant parties, especially government officials you sent emails to.
Take your words back and do proper research in the future because you harm innocent humans who did nothing more but smart exit strategy.
Best Regards,
GDPR Watch Team"
My remarks: Of course, I will comment on the post because it is anonymous. I write with my face uncovered. I have nothing to hide.
We have learnt, from the GDPR Watching email (General Data Protection Regulation), et la version polonaise (la version polonaise est RODO – Rozporządzenie Ogólne o Ochronie Danych Osobowych), that FutureNET has been sold many years ago. This information allows me to allege that Roman Ziemian and Stephan Morgenstern have given up, right?
1) first sarcastic humorous post:
Now, let's move on to the sarcastic humor that will be done with the posts posted by Roman Ziemian on his Instagram et Linkedin account. It's funny ... but not so much for those who have lost money. See this - I write after the picture :
"Hello, everyone. Recently I came across an interesting article with a comment by the CEO of Twitter, Jacek Dorsey, on the continuous work of the leader. He commented on the approach of Elon Musk, who works 120 hours a week as idiocy. Continually working on the outside world and not focusing on own emotions is a simple way to fall. I wouldn't use such strong words against Elon Musk because I know how exciting new projects are and how easy it is to lose yourself.
Nevertheless, I agree with Jack Dorsey's words; there has to be a balance between work and your inner life. You have to have a hobby, close people around, and a stable psyche. Then everything that happens at work - especially in these unstable times will not shake us. And what do you think about that?
#Leadership #TakeCare #BusinessLife#DecisionsTime #bestoftheday #worklifebalance"
My remarks :
2) Second sarcastic humorous post: :
"Good morning to everyone on Monday! I have read some exciting news from the business world. The head of the Amazon, Jeff Bezos, announced at a conference of his company Blue Origin that he intends to build the first city in Earth's orbit, send people to the moon and build human colonies there. And the first inhabitants would be there by 2024! Bezos also revealed that he would like to turn our planet into a wildlife reserve. He would like to move heavy industry and mines to orbit the Earth or the Moon and the asteroids. Very bold plans, which are difficult to believe at this point. On the other hand, the world belongs to the visionaries, and now also space.
#Leadership #TakeCare #BusinessLife#Space #bestoftheday #worklifebalance"
My remarks :
Conclusion :
Roman Ziemian has become a great humorist. He managed to make me laugh despite all the losses due to FutureNET. Hats off, well done, my respects!
Useful information: If you want to keep a copy of this article, I suggest you download the Opera Browser which allows you to save the HTML page, with the images, but also to save it in a PDF file, except the images. ..
You click on the red letter O at the top left, then you go down to the Page section, then select Save as. Do the same to save as PDF.
Useful Information +: This article will be saved on social networks where freedom of expression is complete. Not like some social networks like facebook during Covid-19 where I shared a video of President Trump who said that covid-19 would be cured without a vaccine, that he himself was taking Chloroquine. Consequence: Facebook censorship which prohibited me from posting, commenting, liking for 24 hours with a threat if I started again, with a ban would increase to 3 days.
As you may have noticed my losses are enormous which I wish to recall :
(1 000$ + 1 000$ + 1 000$ + 2 500$ + the value of the dashboard that arethe 370 ad packs for $50 + 50 ad packs for $10 + $725 in balance + 2 withdrawals that I have never received 110$ + 230$.
The losses of my personal money are $5 500, then, the value of digital products :
370 x $50 = $18 500 + $500 + $725 + $110 + $230 = $20 065
So $5 500$ + $20 065 = $25 565$), And, I did not mention the due date at $60 and $12 of the ad packs.
I find myself almost naked with as gains only the PTC website, PaidToClick, Neobux. They are low daily. As of the date of this writing, Sunday September 27th, 2020, I am revolving around :
I share my daily earnings on my blog in Linkedin, and, other social media (I was banned from minds for spamming! I had no idea that sharing an article was considered as spam. Apparently, admins, engineers, and developers don't know the meaning of the word spam. Being a former Linux / Unix / BSD systems and network engineer, I know its definition perfectly well. And, sharing an article on my blog in a post is not spam! Otherwise, I would be banned from Linkedin ...). I also share a monthly summary of my daily activities : HERE.
Your help would be to register on Neobux whose registration link is on my blog dedicated to him, but also, later on other PTC advertising platforms : HERE, in order to glean small commissions through the registration link.
On the other hand, this site is difficult, and, slow in terms of earnings, except, if you follow my experiences, and, my advices. Adding money to these sites is almost mandatory, even if it isn't, in case you want to start making real money per day with sizable sums. Of course, I can't write down how much it would take to start, and, for the following months, as it's everyone's dependent on your finances. I personally added substantial sums, but each does with what he has. However, with a substantial amount at start-up, and the following months, you can get your money back afterwards ... the answer will not be given here ... sorry !
You will succeed :
However, please contact me before you put any money to buy the products, which will help you avoid the mistakes I made, but many other users have gone through these failures. I have been registered since October 10, 2013, it's been a good number of years.
I ask you to register to other trusted programs in an article/page on my blog lapubquivouspayereellement on the blogger plateform : HERE. You can follow me on social networks : HERE.
I thank you in advance in this regard. Good luck and happy earnings.
Creation date of the article: Mercredi 19 Août 2020
Update of this article - 1) Mercredi 19 Août 2020, 2) Vendredi 21 Août, 3) Mardi 25 Août 2020, 4) Jeudi 27 Août 2020,
Last update of this article - Jeudi 27 Août 2020 ; version : 22.20
Author / Writer: cleroy61 Alias Christophe Leroy
Legal Notice
NOTE : Photos and content are original and should not be used without permission. - Christophe Leroy - alias cleroy61 - Copyright Wednesday August 19, 2020 to today - All rights reserved.
NOTE + : All example calculations of loss or profit are only estimates you can make and should not be taken as guarantees. Your success or failure depends entirely on your commitment, your understanding, your intellectual and financial capacity!
NOTE ++ : All products, trademarks or third-party marks mentioned above are the exclusive property of their respective owners. No affiliation or endorsement is intended or implied.
NOTE +++ : Breach of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308-1-1308-103 and the Rome Statute).