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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Chuck Reynolds on January 04, 2017 - 10:19pm

Learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Real world SEO and practical search engine optimization tutorials and lessons. That’s what we’re all about here at SEO Brothers. We work with talented web and digital agencies to help bring a world-class organic search service to their clients.

But that’s not enough.

We want to educate and empower you to grow your knowledge in the world of organic search and keep you up to speed on the best practices (and a few creative tactics) along the way. Search engine optimization is a constantly evolving industry and one that requires a lot of work to stay well informed and up to date on what works and what doesn’t. It really is more than just “making awesome content and getting it promoted”.

That said, there are a lot of practices – solid keyword research, proper site structure and theming, excellent keyword mapping, and technical SEO to name a few – that have stood the test of time within organic search. Many areas of on-page SEO and off-page SEO continue to work. Regardless of whether you decide to join our family, we hope that you can learn from our search engine optimization tutorials and gain a stronger understanding of SEO to best serve your clients.

So what is search engine optimization?

In case you’re new to all of this, search engine optimization is the process of improving your website’s visibility and rankings in the organic results of search engines. This is done by improving both on-site and off-site factors that search engines deem important, resulting in improved organic performance.

Even though SEO is so confusing and frustrating, it is still an amazing source of traffic, leads, and sales, especially for small businesses. In fact, organic search is responsible for over 60% of website traffic across all industries. However, it’s really hard to understand what works and what doesn’t if you aren’t constantly trying and testing different strategies. Fortunately, that’s where we come in. And we’re going to share our knowledge with you.

We Focus on SEO

Want a paid search campaign? We don’t do that. Need someone to manage your social media? That’s not us. Need hosting or development for your website? You’ll have to go somewhere else. Sure, we have the technical ability to do all of those things, we’ve just decided to focus on search engine optimization. You see, we felt that SEO changes far too often and is way too important to be an after thought. We focus on learning the ins and outs of SEO so that we can provide the best possible solutions to our web professional and agency partners.

We are Transparent

I’m sure you’ve heard the terms white hat, gray hat, and black hat. While we are adamantly against any sort of “black hat” or illegal or unethical tactics, we do understand that there are a lot of strategies depending on the situation. We’ll teach you a variety of tactics and strategies that work in today’s SEO landscape so you can make the most informed decision for your business.

We Teach

It’s not enough for us to offer a great SEO service that lets web professionals and agencies deliver excellent SEO solutions to their clients. We also want to teach both the professional and the end user what’s happening in organic search and how you can leverage strategies to increase your visibility in search engines. That’s what this training is all about.

Who is this SEO training for?

We can help a variety of different individuals and businesses with our free organic search training:

  • Agencies looking to expand their organic search services or sell more SEO
  • Freelance web professionals looking to add SEO to their list of service offerings.
  • Businesses or Agencies looking to train employees to be SEO superstars.
  • Independent SEO-enthusiasts or bloggers trying to start an online business

Regardless of whether or not you are currently working in the organic SEO industry, we can help increase your knowledge of how things work and thus adding value to you as an employee or web professional.

Our Free SEO training & Tutorials

We hope these posts will help you build a solid knowledge foundation of search engine optimization best practices and what is currently working and happening within the industry right now (2016). These posts will be sprinkled with supporting audio and video, some of which will tie directly in with our case study websites and others will simply help you understand the topics better.

SEO is a continuous process and constantly evolving – and so is this training. We are constantly adding great content on a variety of topics in the industry so be sure to bookmark and come back often. Use the table of contents to find the specific topics you want to learn. If you have any questions the best way to reach us is to leave a comment in the respective post.

Research & Planning

Before diving into executing an SEO strategy you need to make sure you have a well thought out plan based on solid research. This stage is even more important if you are working on client SEO as it will help define the scope of the project and set expectations for all parties involved.

SEO Audits

SEO audits are a great way to uncover and identify potential threats or issues for a website and industry. Audits are commonly completed for free but also have a lot of value as a stand-alone service offering. Learn about creating and delivering SEO audits below.

Keyword Research

Keyword research will really lay a foundation in terms of what areas of your business you’ll target and when. Good keyword research is important both for your own web properties and if you are consulting with clients.

On Page SEO


This is where we will lay the foundation for any out-reach or link building program to come. Solid on-page SEO is crucial to help improve the search visibility of any website. We’ll cover implementing the fixes found in the research and planning phase and executing proper on-page optimization.

Keyword Mapping


Keyword mapping is essentially assigning the keywords found during the keyword reserach process to specific pages on the website. Read more about keyword mapping in our detailed post.

Link Building

Link building is still the most important aspect of search engine optimization, which is why a good while at SEO strategy can be expensive to execute when done properly. We dive into a mix of link building strategies that can all be combined to create a well-rounded link profile.

Private Blog Networks

Private blog networks are becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that they are both an affordable link building strategy and because they work extremely well. We dive into a lot of information on PBNs in the posts below. If you have any questions be sure to leave a comment on any of the posts.

Local SEO

Local SEO is all about competing for search terms within a geo-specific region. This includes competing for organic search results for searches with geo-modifiers and increasing visibility within the 3-pack Google My Business map results. Managing multiple physical locations and multiple GMB profiles can be tricky.

Google My Business

While not specifically part of the organic search results, the Google My Business 3-pack map listing is a crucial part of local SEO and competing in local markets, especially in those with higher competition within the regular organic search results. Getting into the 3-pack can typically mean equal traffic volume as the top five organic placements.

eCommerce SEO

Doing SEO for eCommerce websites is in itself a very specific style of organic search. Paying attention to the long-tail, while optimizing category pages, product pages, and managing duplicate content issues is a very specific skill set.

Optimizing your eCommerce website with good SEO practices can really make a huge difference in online sales. One of the main benefits of working with an eCommerce website is the amazing ROI tracking and analytics that is available by being able to direct measure revenue.

Definitions & Resources

Let’s be honest. Sometimes we use terms within this industry that no outsider could possibly understand, and if they do, chances are they don’t know all the information and specifics. Consider these posts on terms, tools, or common things that you may hear within the organic search engine optimization industry.

SEO Definitions & Information

Welcome to our glossary of SEO. From the different color hats to specific metrics, and just about anything else you’ll come across in this industry, we’ll cover here. At least a clear-cut definition, but usually we’ll accompany our take or opinion as well.

SEO Tools & Software

There are more SEO tools and software solutions than any SEO professional could probably use. Choosing the right tools for the jobs without having to spend thousands a month in software can be a challenge. We’ll review SEO tools and solutions here to give you our opinion on what is essentially nice to have, and can do without.

Chuck Reynolds