Welcome to my Trade Coin Club Review!
There has been some buzz about this company lately, so it’s time for another review! As I always say, the best way to make sure you are joining the right company is to do lots of research before signing up. The last thing you want to do is invest your money in a company that collapses just a few short months later. My review will provide you with information on the company, the products, and the compensation plan. So let’s get started!
First things first, I couldn’t find any real information on the company website about who owns or operates Trade Coin Club. When I visited the website, there wasn’t anything more than the company’s logo. I did find out that the Trade Coin Club website domain was registered privately as “tradecoinclub.com” on the 2nd of August, 2016. Also, it seems that the two biggest sources of traffic to the company website are the US and Brazil.
Trade Coin Club does not offer any retail products or services. Affiliates who sign up with Trade Coin Club can only market and sell the affiliate membership.
Affiliates who want to take part in the Trade Coin Club compensation plan must invest bitcoin that offers a daily ROI:
Every affiliate who participates in the compensation plan is required to pay a 25% fee on ROIs every four months.
Affiliates can also earn referral commissions that are paid out through a unilevel compensation structure. This type of compensation structure puts an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team that places every personally sponsored affiliate right under them on level 1.
When a level 1 affiliate brings in new affiliates, they are put on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
When a level 2 affiliate brings in new affiliates, they are put on level 3, etc. Payable unilevel levels are capped by Trade Coin Club at eight.
Affiliates are paid a percentage of the money that is invested by their unilevel team, like so:
Trade Coin Club pays residual commissions to its affiliates through a binary compensation structure. This compensation structure puts an affiliate at the top of a binary team that splits into left and right sides. Both sides begin with one position and, once filled, a second level is made by adding another 2 positions under each of the first two, for a total of 4 positions. Additional levels of the binary team are made as they are needed, with each new level holding twice as many positions as the level above it.
When each day ends, new investment volume is counted on both sides of the binary team and the affiliate is paid a percentage of the money that is invested on the weaker side of their binary team. The percentage they receive depends on their Trade Coin Club affiliate rank:
Besides investment volume, every Trade Coin Club affiliate is required to pay a monthly fee:
These monthly fees are used to pay recruitment commissions through a 3×12 matrix. A 3×12 matrix puts an affiliate at the top of a matrix that has 3 positions right under them. These first 3 positions make up the first level of the matrix and the second level is made by adding another 3 positions under the first three, for a total of 9 positions. Additional levels of the matrix are made the same way, up to 12 levels, and when it is full it holds 797,160 positions.
Matrix positions are filled through direct and indirect recruitment of new affiliates. Every time an affiliate fills a matrix position they are paid 0.003 BTC a month, as long as each affiliate continues to pay their monthly fee. Affiliates can earn a bonus 0.003 BTC commission if a personally sponsored affiliate earns 5x the amount they’ve invested.
Trade Coin Club offers a Rank Achievement Bonus that is determined by the amount of bitcoin an affiliate earns through residual binary commissions a month.
The cost to join Trade Coin Club as an affiliate is based on the amount an affiliate invests:
The moment you have been waiting for in this Trade Coin Club review…
Apparently, the way Trade Coin Club gives out daily ROI’s is based on cryptocurrency trading software:
Our system makes millions of micro transactions every second, making it humanly impossible. Allowing our members to generate profit every second, every hour and every day.
Now I don’t see any evidence of this trading software generating those ROI’s… Plus if that is true, why do they need affiliates investments? Why can’t they just get a loan from the bank and do it themselves… Another red flag is the 25% ROI fee… Honestly, the only income source coming into this company is the investments of other affiliates and that’s how ROI’s are being generated… Newly invested funds paying off existing members while more people recruit…
Chuck Reynolds