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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Chuck Reynolds on May 31, 2017 - 5:04pm

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing means enticing buyers to come to you.

It’s a way of meeting them where they are and engaging with them on their terms. This strategy aims to increase the volume and quality of your leads by attracting like-minded potential buyers. It’s a method of aligning your marketing content to offer value to buyers without overtly selling a product or service.

Inbound marketing has gained popularity in recent years as buyers have taken more control over the sales process. The fuel for this strategy is helpful, creative, engaging content that nixes the sales pitch in favor of brand awareness, conversation, and shareability. Good inbound marketing should educate, inform and entertain, providing true value to the readers. When used properly, inbound marketing can be a key component of a successful marketing campaign that drives leads and sales.

Chuck Reynolds
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