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Posted by on May 11, 2016 - 4:04pm Edited 5/11 at 4:10pm

JAQX Smart- Home and Business Automation w/ Security

Smart Home Automation must have security built into it, or you are wasting your money!

There are more and more companies entering the Smart Home Automation Space as the industry starts to become more popular. There a many things to look out for that could make your experience very difficult. One of those is have security tied to your smart home system. 

When you purchase the home automation systems from a big box store, you will get the ability to control a specific item such as thermostat or lights, but rarely will you get the ability to control everything, but that's a discussion for another day. 

For this article you want to make sure that you get a system that has SECURITY built into it and can give you the piece of mind that your house is totally protected. The cost is very minimal for such protection but without it you will have half a system. 

Some people argue that as long as they can monitor their own systems, they can see what goes on. Not true, no one is watching 24/7 to make sure you don't have a break in,or fire and once you do, what will you do? The lag time between you and the authorities can be huge, and time wasted can cost large sums of money. Professional people are trained to take care or these situations and have minimal lag times between a breach of your system and getting to the authorities.

Many systems that offer home automation in the DIY [Do It Yourself] space don't offer security, so that leaves a home automation system without in home protection. 

Buyer Beware

There are a lot of other things to consider so I have added a link to an Article on the "Key To Smart Home Automationwhere you can read about other important aspects of smart home automation. You don't want to get locked into a system that is going to be outdated very quickly, or cost you a fortune once you start. There is no reason to pay a lot for smart home automation, the cost is very reasonable. Also don't worry about not being able to install it yourself, it's all plug and play. Even a cave man can do it! Apologies to all cave men. 

This industry is not complicated, but the major thing to be concerned with is to not get involved with any contractual agreements and make sure you can add to your system at no cost. 

So back to the protection part. Just make sure you get top quality professional monitoring. If you are looking for a top quality, state of the art, smart home and business automation with security, you might want to take a look at the JAQX Smart System

Thanks for reading. 
Dr. Raymond Jewell

Dr. Raymond Jewell is a leading Economist and has been working with Home Based Business Owners for over 35 years. He is also a Alpha Founder with Markethive and manages several blogs on the hive.