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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Mihai Cristian on September 02, 2019 - 8:35am Edited 9/2 at 8:35am

Hey everyone,

It has been one month since you last heard from us, so, time for a little update from Captain Bitcoin.

Summer has flown by and thanks to your support we have hit some incredible milestones in the last few weeks.

What we have achieved - 

We secured funding from Iconic Lab, a leading European blockchain VC. 
We now have more than 41,000 users pre-registered for our platform
We have continued to receive great support and feedback from other blockchain companies in the ecosystem and sign up new customers
We have completed the design for our product looking to commence development in the coming days
We will continue to update the community on development progress we make as we hit important milestones.

Now, some negative news. 

As with any community, the majority of you are doing incredible work to help spread the word about Captain Bitcoin but unfortunately, we have few bad actors who have found a way to automate/bypass our verification system. 

Though this only makes up a very small percentage of the users and we are constantly on the lookout for these, sometimes it is difficult to do so in real time.

In order to give long term credibility to this platform, we will be implementing a new rule where if we believe more than 5% of your referrals are not real, you will be disqualified from the competition and will not be paid out any Captain tokens or Bitcoin. Even your real referrals will not be accounted for.

I asked Captain Bitcoin
Question: What happens if someone registers via my link more than once. Did I lose all my commission because of him?
Answer: No
Question: Ok is there bitcoin going in my account there?
Answer: We are integrating a wallet within the app yes
Question: Captain Bitcoin i wanted to ask when there will be a listing in the exchanges if not a secret...?
Answer: We do not have a time frame on that at this point.Our focus currently is product and building a strong community
Question: When is the launching of this project?
Answer: we are working as fast as we can on developing the product - we will update the community when we have clarity on time frames.
Ok thanks Captain Bitcoin i really interested for this project i can handle a team so i will help you to bring more interested crypto enthusiast.

Finally, don’t forget to share your referral link with others, you earn 1,000 Captain tokens for each successful referral and also with each successful referral your chances of winning Bitcoin increases significantly. You can read more about the $15,000 BTC giveaway here if you haven’t already done so.

If you are not a member yet here is  your invitation -> click to join Captain Bitcoin

Mihai Cristian Big Trends
September 2, 2019 at 5:32pm