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Don't take another boring phone selfie until you've seen this...

Summary: This brilliant new drone is taking the world by storm. It lets you take stunning photos and videos from above, so you can impress your friends on your next vacation. You can take it with you anywhere thanks to its compact size. Its so easy to use that you can have it ready to go in under 30 seconds. The best part? DroneX Pro focuses on product development instead of branding. This means they're able to offer a world-class quality drone at an incredibly low price.
Phone selfies are boring. People aren't doing them anymore and they've become unpopular...

First, there was the standard selfie, then the selfie stick, and now the next evolution of the selfie has arrived!

Nobody knows who did it first, but soon thousands of people in  started uploading incredible selfies from insane angles. They uploaded them to social media and soon EVERYONE wanted to do the same! 

Now, this new type of selfie has taken off - Literally - across the world! 

What makes this drone so special?
The main benefits of the Drone X Pro are its portability, price, camera and its ease of use.

The drone is the same size as a large smartphone. Combine that with its foldable rotors and you probably have the world’s most portable drone. It will comfortably fit in any pocket or bag!

Absolutely, anyone can easily fly this drone! Its controls were designed to perfection. TheDrone X Pro also has an incredible hovering capability. No need to focus on the height; just steer and enjoy the flight!

A drone with this name needs a quality camera of course. This drone is just perfect to take awesome pictures and videos.

When flying is so easy, you can fully concentrate on taking stunning shots. Film nature, friends and even yourself in amazing quality!

And so far, we have not even mentioned that the drone is made of ABS plastic. This makes the drone much lighter and stronger.

Last but not least, the price is just amazing. It’s less than $100 for a drone of this quality. This must be the single best price-quality drone there is!

Conclusion: Is it worth it?
Such a quality drone for this price makes us definitely say yes! Just think of the amazing pictures and videos you can take with the Drone X Pro. Even just the fun of flying a drone already makes this worth it. If you’ve never flown a drone, this is the moment you should start!

Charles Phillips I agree with Darren. I believe that mindsets created by developments in the crypto space has a lot to do with new advancements outside crypto. When more people notice how fast technology is moving, and ask: "Who left the gates open?"...A few peole will be say crypto did it (While i celebrate.)
August 25, 2019 at 5:21pm
Charles Phillips Jeffrey, I'm considering buying a drone with a good camera as a gift for my son-in-law. Photography is his hobby so I sure he would appreciate one.
August 25, 2019 at 4:26pm
Charles Phillips You're welcome Mihai. I agree with what you said about the influence of technology.
August 25, 2019 at 4:16pm
Jeffrey Sloe I've never played with one, but had a lot of experience with my boyhood friend who used to fly "gas-powered" model planes. My stepson lost his drone in the mountains in CA. He's not sure what happened, but he never found it.
August 25, 2019 at 3:52pm
Mihai Cristian Thanks Charles, technology continues to grow and play a larger role in consumers lives, industries have transformed and adapted as well.
August 25, 2019 at 3:11pm
Charles Phillips I had several model planes as a child. The p-40 Flying Tiger was my favorite. I like your drone better.
August 25, 2019 at 2:37pm