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Welcome to Markethive

New in the world of cryptocurrencies from the worldwide FACEBOOK network!
Register through your Facebook account, confirm your mail, and GET 3 libra! Plus, the distribution of Libra every HOUR!

UPLibra is committed to establishing a Libra OTC trading platform, providing fast, secure and valuable Libra exchange services to users all over the world.
UPLibra is currently building an OTC trading system for Libra. The system will quickly match local buyers and sellers to help users complete transactions between Libra and local currencies

Be the first! THIS WILL BE A BOMB!

Join Bouns : 3 Libra 
1. Register : -> https://uplibra.io?refer=14130
2. Click singup then login your Facebook account
3. Then show dashboard
4. Then show email verify box this box past your mail address and click submit bottom then verify link click
5. Done all setp now your account verified
When will UPLibra be online?

As the Libra mainnet has yet to be officially launched, please wait patiently for more official announcements from Libra. 
Happy Libra Earning

Mihai Cristian Update from Uplibra team :Dear user! We have removed Facebook login and fixed login and registration issue. Now you can use your confirmed email to recover your password, and then login to your account again Claim Your 50k Libra Return Reward ! Date of expiry 2019-09-17 00:00:00 GMT
September 12, 2019 at 6:21pm
Mihai Cristian Thanks Jose ,was a hard decision...or what ?
September 7, 2019 at 2:02pm
Mihai Cristian you are welcome Aura
September 6, 2019 at 1:10pm
Mihai Cristian you are Welcome Idrus, already number of member has doubled in few hours
September 1, 2019 at 8:58pm