The closure of the last deep mining pit at Kellingley Colliery in Yorkshire, yesterday marks an end of an Era in the UK. I live in in what used to be a coal mining area in Derbyshire, there is still plenty of coal beneath the ground, however it is uneconomic to mine, because countries such as India and China have lower production costs, probably due to lower safety standards and wages, together with state subsidies
The UK government plans to shut down all coal powered power stations within the next 10 years and it is ironic that once again it is China who will benefit from a building contract for a new nuclear power station.
Yes coal is a dirty fuel, however, clean power such as solar and hydro power are also having subsidies reduced dramatically from the 1st January, which will make them less economical viable, for example a small hydro plant in a river in a Yorkshire village has just come online to supply some 40 houses. It will pay for itself in 10 years, however anyone planning a similar plant will need to wait 100 years for payback.
Mining has been a way of Life in the UK and it is sad to see it coming to an end, with the reserves underground miners thought it was a job for life but now have to seek other ways of earning an income to support their families. Nowadays the problem is that many job only offer the minimum wage and these are usually snapped up by foreign workers from Europe who are used to lower wages.
Miners like many others will either have to start looking further afield for work or take stock of their situation, examine what skills and interest they have and find a way of monetising them.
A few people who possess drive and enthusiasm might turn to the Internet as an alternative way of working, however it is a different kind of hard work, learning a new trade and there are traps in the way of the unwary in the form of Multi Level Marketing (MLM)schemes which promise a lot but from which few people can earn a living. If you want to earn a living online, it is easier to do so via an Affiliate system, earning a percentage of selling products and services.
Getting started working online can be a daunting prospect, and can raise many issues, so most people seek advice from entrepenuers who have been successful and are willing to help others succeed in a selfless manner.
I am connected to one such group of people called MarketHive, I was asked to explain this the other day, it a mix of a social media for entrepeneurs to share business and marketing ideas, like a Facebook for business but on a more professional footing such as LinkedIn. In addition MarketHive provides tools and widgets, to make the likes of WordPress better and enable anyone to get their message to the market place or customer via blogs, video or email
David Ogden
Helping People Help Themselves