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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by David Ogden on February 26, 2015 - 10:14am Edited 2/26 at 10:18am
The membership of markethive is growing fast even though you need to be invited at the moment to sign up.

There are many hidden gems within the system and even members who have had access during the early stages have forgotten they exist.

Have you visited the campaign section ?

One of my favourite tools is the URL shortener yes that right no need to use TinyURL because you have your own hive version and this keeps a list of all the url's you shorten including the date you created it and the campaign it is attached to. The section as a whole is still work in progress but this and Asset Map I use on a regular basis.

AssetMap This is an essential tool once you start building capture pages, websites, blog forums, Blogpress, wordpress and other sites. Keeping track of which sites connect to which can be a headache. Recent modifications in the blogging section now mean that when you create a new asset such as a blog forum you are prompted to add it immediately to you asset. when you next review your assets you will see that everything is already in place.

Talking of blogging I find it strange that even some seasoned bloggers are bot using the MarketHive blog section, yet it offers the most potent method of spreading your words across the Internet. If you can speak you can blog, take this blog for example, look at the start of this paragraph I use the word "talking" because in my mind I am talking to you, that is the main way that people communicate.

You make one simple blog post and it can be shared instantly with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google with the click of a button, if you take the time to build blogging assets these will automatically be updated not only with your posts but with your friends, up-line, Down-line, fellow marketer, who are promoting, selling or in a similar line of business. Once you start writing good content other marketers will pick up your feeds and add them to their own, which results in all the blogs having a stream of fresh content even is you are unable to write on a daily basis. Fresh original quality content is what everyone is looking for.

MarketHive blogs now accept comment so perhaps you can add comments in answer to my Question How are you using MarketHive

If you are not yet a member I invite you to signup via the link in my signature

David Ogden

Cheryl Majeski Hi David! With all the awesome features that Markethive offers, once you familiarize yourself with all the various tools that exist here, you can begin to formulate a plan to grow your business above and beyond what you thought possible. Obviously, it will take some time to learn how to effectively use all the features that are available but once you get beyond the learning curve, you can go full speed ahead. Just the blogging platform alone is worth its weight in gold! I am in the process of creating a plan for both my marketing business and the nonprofit I volunteer with to create blogs, videos and campaigns which will enable me to educate and inform a vast number of individuals about what I do, how I can help them, etc. Markethive will truly be any entrepreneur's ticket to achieving their goals more effectively and efficiently.
February 28, 2015 at 1:17pm