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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by David Ogden on February 21, 2015 - 6:15am
I have had an interesting 24 hours learning about a new affiliate marketing program, which uses copy and pasting techniques to create an income. Many of the aspects I find familiar not only with my past experience in that marketplace but also with marketing in general.

The only way to make money is to spend money or take time and effort and work at it. This might surprise people, however there is no way to avoid this that I know of. Yes working online does have a number of advantages in that many actions can be automated or semi automated in order to enhance results.

Copy and pasting content can save hours of effort but one needs to take care to comply with copyright rules and plagiarism. How much you copy and paste is up to each individual but as you gain in expedience in the marketplace you are working in you will discover that you reliance on copy and pasting will drop and with practice you will develop your own writing skills.

Internet marketing has a lot of Jargon and a language of its own, with words such as Niche market, SEO, SEM, Keywords Metatags, Forums, Blogs, PPC and Inbound Marketing being part of the every language that you will commonly come across. This means that you will need to set aside a period of learning before you can start earning money online.

There is no escaping the fact that to make money on the Internet it helps if you have knowledge, experience or interest in what it is you are selling. Say for example you are selling a suite of marketing tools and you don't know who to use them, you are going to look a bit silly if your are asked about how the autoresponder complies with the Cam-Spam Act.

People often ask me how easy is it to make money online to which I reply, like any other job it take knowledge, experience and hours of work and the right mindset together with discipline especially if working from home as you need to have extra motivation,

A lot of trial and error is required until you find your golden goose and along the way there will be disappointments and upsets. You will share your experiences with many other entrepreneurs such as those who use Markethive and this itself is most fulfilling.

David Ogden