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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by David Ogden on August 27, 2015 - 10:48am
What is MarketHive, someone asked me this question the other day and to be honest it is not easy to answer, as there is nothing to compare it against.

The concept of providing free marketing tools is not new, IBO Toolbox has been doing this for a few years, however with MarketHive care was been taken to ensure integration of the various tools to enhance the marketing power, so information entered on one tool is available and updates other connected tools, so no more copy and pasting to share data.

The ability to share information and data is a core feature of MarketHive. You are in control as to who can see, share and use your information that you post in areas such as Blogs, videos and Groups

Blogging is acknowledged as a very powerfully marketing tool, within the blogging section of MarketHive you have all the tools at your fingertips to ensure what you write reaches your target audience. A unique feature allows you to share your blog with other authors, so they can post on your blog, this can be very useful say you are unable to write regular content. During my move to the UK this feature was useful for me and kept my blogs updated without me lifting a finger. The tools in the back office provide options to completely change the look and feel and way your blog information is being displayed.

You can upload your own videos to MarketHive where you can share them with others and they will also be automatically posted to Youtube without you having to take any further action.

Many people have a number of different interests for both business and leisure and this is handled within the groups section of MarketHive. you can create your own groups to support your business or join with existing ones. Each group also have forums where issues and advice may be shared with other members. You can restrict access to your groups or have them open to the public.

No marketing system would be complete without providing a simple way to produce lead capture pages. MarketHive has a number of templates which can be customised or even completely changed to match with the products and services you are promoting. Onces these templates have been upload to your website, you can instantly change them without having to do any further uploads.

One feature I do like lies within the Campaigns section and this is the Asset Map. Marketing often requires you create various websites for blogs, capture pages and the like and it is easy to loose track of what sites you have and how they are connected together for promoting different products. The Asset Map organises the chaos.

 David Ogden
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