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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by David Ogden on January 02, 2015 - 11:04am Edited 1/16 at 7:39am
The advantages of becoming a Alpha Founder.

MarketHive is a new inbound marketing the likes of which have never been seen. Two years of secret development and $500,000 later the stage is set for the launch next week ,of a new era of inbound marketing the social neural network. The system is packed full of the latest technology with an easy to use interface so that you can control all your marketing campaigns from one central site. If you want to post to Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, tweet to Twitter its completely seamless, in addition you can create new videos,upload them and control Youtube videos from within the video section. you can also create blog clouds and Groups to share and distribute information.

The Leads section has capture pages and unlimited autoresponder and there are explanations on each page to explain and educate those just starting out for example this is the introduction to Leads Capture

"Powerful Pre-Built Lead Capture Pages!
Having a properly designed lead capture page can mean the difference between a big response rate and ZERO sign ups at all. After spending so much time and effort on lead generation... and then actually marketing your message to your prospects... it's critical to drive them to a page that will produce the greatest possible conversion rate.
The components of an effective lead capture page are fairly basic: a strong headline, a compelling video, brief but motivating body copy (text), and a form to capture their information. The whole idea is to provide prospects with just enough information for them to sign up... but nothing more! The entire goal is capturing their data so you can call them up and/or continue marketing to them through future emails, etc. If you spill too much information, then they have no motivation to fill out the form... and you lose them forever. Lead Capture pages are pre-built based on proven results. However, they are fully customisable so you can configure the content optimally for your particular marketing campaign. After you do so, simply click the button to download the file and you can then place it on your own website and the leads generated will be automatically captured by your system."

If you want to use the system to promote an MLM many companies are pre setup on the system so you can discuss and help fellow distributors and each company has its own forum.

So what are the advantages of becoming a Alpha Founder.

  • You will have your own link to invite your friends to your profile page and anyone who joins from that page is automatically added as a friend, unlike Facebook where you join then have to manually find your friends. You can set up an autoresponder send whatever message you like when you welcome them
  • Free advertise credits when you join and every month for the rest of your life.
  • A Revenue share of up to 20% of MarketHive shared between Alpha Founders for life.
  • No downline to build.
  • No selling required.
  • You can sit at home and do nothing if you want !

You can find out more by attending our final pre-launch seminar on Saturday 10th January at 10AM Mountain time

Alternativly if you want to sign up now go to http://marketinghive.theinterbiz.com

David Ogden
MarketHive Founder Member
