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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Dennis Roeder on February 26, 2016 - 3:26am Edited 2/26 at 4:44am

The age of the Entrepreneur.

Keep up with the Changing Times!

Today’s businesses are realizing that outbound efforts alone are not enough to produce profits. Instead, inbound marketing techniques need to be utilized in order to attract more leads and foster better brand preference.

Successful inbound marketing strategies require that businesses introduce a different approach to content creation, introduce marketing automation tools that can help them nurture and score leads, and optimize how these leads flow through the sales pipeline.


Markethive.com was conceived and designed specifically with present day need in mind. The small or large entrepreneur, the small or large business, anyone that needs to acquire contact leads, maintain retention, utilize messaging and information service with present clients or anything else that includes the need of a sophisticated "Customer Management System".

I can’t say enough good things about Markethive.com and the portfolio of marketing tools this platform has to acquire new customers, communicate with present clients and formulate plans for future expansion. Within the walls of the back office of Markethive all of these functions can be exercised and monitored.

Most successful inbound marketing campaigns incorporate all or parts of the following elements:


By far the most common form of inbound marketing, blogging can play a powerful role in driving traffic and nurturing leads. Within Markethive you can integrate all of your blog activity to one place. No matter if you have one or several blogs you can manage them all from within the Markethive back office.

Social Media

With 67% of online adults using social media to share information, you can’t afford to neglect widely popular online communities such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, and many more all reachable and integrated from within Markethive.


Search engine optimization is an integral part of effective inbound marketing. Using effective keyword analysis, well-structured site design and other SEO “best practices” to launch your company to the top of search results will ensure that your content is being seen by the right audience and bring in the right leads.


There is power in Groups. Elaborate, large and productive groups can be organized and managed from within Markethive. Group meetings, group activity and group productivity can be viewed and managed from within Marketive. These groups work together. They may have different businesses or objectives but they as a group all function together to accomplish a common goal.

Webinars and Live Events

Take inbound marketing to the next level with online webinars and live events. All doable within Markethive. And there’s much more: Videos, whitepapers, eBooks, eNewsletters... Any opportunity to share valuable content is an opportunity to practice inbound marketing.

How to Begin Inbound Marketing

When it comes to inbound marketing, the idea isn't to throw more money at it, creating killer content is the prime objective and requires more thinking and commitment than budget. Don’t throw money at it - put your head and heart into it!

Here’s how to get started:

1 -- Join Markethive.com -- it's FREE!
2 -- Identify your target audience and learn all you can about them.
3 -- Determine your unique, compelling story. Why should your audience listen to you?
4 -- Choose your delivery platforms. Will you blog? Tweet? Use Facebook? Pinterest?
5 -- Create and execute your content calendar.
6 -- Monitor your results in the campaigns module of Markethive.

It is important to create a schedule that will consistently turn out fresh and relevant content to continue to engage your audience. Keep in mind that your theme should be focused on customer issues, not on your business. Marketers should be focused on publishing quality content. Content that educates their audience and builds brands and authority.  The right content will be shared, increasing your reach, increasing awareness, increasing trust and increasing leads. The wrong content will lose followers and damage your reputation.

Conclusion: Make Inbound Marketing Work For You!  

In our fast-paced society where the Internet and social networking shape our daily decisions, customers are exposed to more information than ever. This phenomenon is not only making them more educated, but also is causing a change in buying behaviors. As a result, B2B and B2C marketing efforts must be adjusted to respond to this shift. Today’s businesses are realizing that outbound efforts alone are not enough to produce profits. Instead, inbound marketing techniques need to be utilized in order to attract more leads and foster better brand preference. To be successful in inbound marketing, businesses need to introduce a disciplined approach to content creation, introduce marketing automation tools that can help them nurture and score leads, and optimize how these leads flow through the sales pipeline.

Join Markethive.com and organize all of your activities in one place.

Dennis Roeder – Alpha Founder -- Markethive.com
My web site