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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Franklin Coetzee on May 06, 2015 - 7:45pm
Humility is the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people.
Humbe person means person do not brag about what they have or what they achieve in life. And also is when a person does things to help others without expecting and asking for any recognition. The bible in the book of James 4 says ” Huble yourself in the eyes of the Lord and he shall lift you up”
The qualities of humble person
The humble man submits to the will of God (v.7).
2. The humble man repents of his sins ) in the sight of God.
3. The humble man refuses to speak evil of his brother in the Lord (v.11).
4. The humble man refuses to boast about what he is going to do (v.13-16). Rather, he says, “If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that” (v.15).
5. The humble man recognizes that his every failure to do good is sin (v.17) and therefore depends entirely on the Lord. He does not take pride in his holiness but understands how far short he falls.
Thank you Pastor Chris for this wonderful opportunity. God Bless!