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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Franklin Coetzee on June 13, 2015 - 12:48pm
Some Christians in there confessions, are sometimes positive,and some other times negative, and that's the reason they experience "ups and downs" in their lives. Having made a wrong confessions they;d say:"I didn't really mean what I said,"or"I was only joking whan I said that."

In the realm of the spirit, you have whatsoever you say, whether or not you meant it. In Mark 11:23, Jesus didn't say "You shall have whatsoever you mean, "He said "You shall have whatsoever you say."

If you must make a joke, let it be positive, and don't joke against the Word. Don't make careless statements,for they'll produce results for you. That's why you must only say what you mean, and be sure it is consistent with the Word.

Your life is the character of your words, if a man's words are confusing, his life will be confusing. In yhe same way, if a man's words are wholesome, his life will be wholesome. This is why you must watch what you say!

Have a Great Day!!
Pastor Anita