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Finally, a phone you can trust with your digital life. Earn money with it

Posted by Franklin Coetzee on January 03, 2021 - 10:08pm Edited 1/3 at 10:08pm

Introducing Clear PHONE!!   Finally, a phone you can trust with your digital life.

Be Empowered!

Clear PHONE sets you free: No ads, no viruses, malware, no

trackers. No unwanted content.  


Why Does ClearPHONE Exist?

ClearPHONE gives control back to the user by blocking trackers, ads, viruses, hackers and malware. It comes with the most secure parental controls in the world and delivers faster performance and longer battery life. This is the Brilliant Phone people have been asking for./

Faster Performance

No trackers and cookies clogging up the pipeline.

Your Family is Safe

You decide what apps they can use..

Own Your Data

ClearOS Mobile gives you the private key to your private life.  You can also earn money with this create phone.


Bill Rippel Sound like a great deal. And I just bought a new phone a couple weeks ago. I might have tried one of these out.
January 3, 2021 at 11:27pm