“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success” (Joshua 1:8)
Meditation is a vital activity that every child of God should practice. However, it’s more than just thinking about the word. Meditation is beyond that and it’s in three levels.
The first level of meditation is when you read the scriptures and quietly ponder over it in your mind. It’s a time of rumination where you think deeply on the scriptures you’ve read. This quiet thinking drives the word of God deep into your Spirit; that’s why it’s important!
The second level of meditation is when you quietly begin to mutter to yourself the thoughts in your mind arising from the first level. At this time, you’re speaking under your voice and the next person to you may not even hear you. The Bible tells us that when Hannah was pouring out her heart before the Lord, her lips were moving but Eli the priest couldn’t hear what she was saying (1 Samuel 1). The words were coming from her innermost being, based on her expectation from the Lord.
The third level of meditation is when you talk out loud. This next level will require you find a place where you can be alone. You may need to lock yourself in your room or any other private places so you don’t disturb others with your shouting. The purpose of this level of meditation is to drown other thoughts in your consciousness; you are shouting the devil down, shouting your mind down and talking your Spirit up! You are letting the Word of God rule over your mind.
Practice this as it’s month of MEDITATION and you’ll be seasoned in the Word as you make your way prosperous, having good success and your progress will be evident for all to see.