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Some interesting facts in all categories.

Posted by Franklin Coetzee on November 25, 2020 - 6:59pm


  • Potatoes are safe to eat when cooked but the stems and leaves of the plants contain a poison called Solanine. if potatoes turn green they may also contain Solanine.
  • Nicotine is a yellow oily liquid found in tobacco. About 50 milligrams of nicotine would kill an adult within minutes.
  • Every year the people of the world eat more than 2 billion tons of cereals, 880 million tonnes of vegetables and 500 million tons of fruit.
  • Cone-shells, found in the south Pacific and Indian oceans, have poisonous barbs that cause paralysis and occasionally death if you touch them.

  • The Blue whale is the largest creature that has ever lived (33.5m long, 130 tonnes). whales spend their all lives in the sea.
  • Birds shed their feathers at intervals and grow new ones. This process is called mounting. Feathers fall in a set pattern and in pairs, one of each side so that the birds flight is not unbalanced. Birds that do not fly, such as Penguins, moult all over.
  • Queen bees can lay 2 or 3 thousand eggs a day as many as 200,000 eggs year. They may live as long as 5 years, so can produce a million eggs.
  • Many people believe that the South American Anaconda is the longest snake. There are reports of Anacondas up to 36.5 M long, but this has never been proved.
  • There are about 1,079,735,160 sheep in the world - an average of one sheep for every 6 people. In some countries there are twice as many shape as humans.
  • On average every person in the world usage 633,000 litres of water year or 1,734 litres a day. Of this total 9% (156 litres) a day is used in homes, 20% (347 litres) by industry and 71% (1,231 litres) by agriculture.
  • There are quite small amounts of some precious metals on Earth. which is why they are so valuable. For example, there are about 1 million tons of silver and 15,000 tonnes of gold.
  • Roman numerals are made up from 7 letters (I ,V, X ,L, C, M and D). A small numeral is in front of a large one is subtracted from it, so 90 is written as X (10) subtracted from C (100) XC. A small number after a larger one is usually added to it for example, XI (11).
  • An adult man body contains about 5 litres of blood. A women's contains about 4.3 litres. The blood Travels along 100,000 km of blood vessels, which is equal to going 2.5 times round the equator.
  • You lose 100,000 brain cells everyday! luckily you have hundred billion altogether. If the surface area of your brain could be ironed out it would measure 2,090 square kilometres.
  • About one third of our lives are spent sleeping but very little is really known about it. Newborn babies can sleep for up to 21 hours out of 24. children and teenagers need approximately 10 hours of sleep at night while adult need only 7 to 9 hours.
  • A landlocked country has no coastline. This means that it has no Direct Access to the sea and fishing. Also people and goods travelling to and from the country must go through another country. This may be difficult or expensive. There are more than 40 landlocked countries in the world.
  • The Chinese city of Wenchuan, founded in 1955 is at more than half the height of Everest. Even the towns and cities are more than a third the height of Everest.
  • Anna Pepper was given 26 first names one of each letter of the alphabet in alphabetical order : Anna Bertha Cecilia Diana Emily Fanny Gertrude Hypatia Inez Jain Kate Louisa Maud Nora Ophelia Prudence Quince Rebecca Starkey Teresa Ulysis Venus Winifred Xenophone Yetty Zeus Pepper.
  • In space light Travels at a speed of 299,792.46 kilometre per second or 1,079,252,956 km an hour. When we look at even the nearest star, what we are saying is light that left it more than 4 years ago.
  • The Arctic tern migrates further than any other bird. Every year it flies from the Arctic to Antarctica and back again a around trip of at least 40,000 km.

  • Honeybees are only insects that make food which humans eat. bees make Honey to feed the inhabitants of their hives during winter.
  • The only bone in the human body that is not connected to any other bone is the hyoid bone, a U shaped bone at the base of the tongue. It is supported by the muscles in the neck, but it is not connected to any other bone.
  • The only time a train has been powered by fish was during a coal shortage in Turkekistan in 1919. Dried fish, caught in the Aral sea where used as a fuel. A total of almost 9,000 tonnes where used to stroke the train’s boilers.
  • There are about 6,912 living languages but 516 of these are considered almost extinct as they are spoken only by a few elderly people.
  • Harry Potter book sales of the whole series are now over 300+ million in 63 languages and if you placed the books all end to end, they would go around the equator 1.4 Times.
  • The belief that the number 13 is unlucky is very ancient. the Romans believed the number 13 was a symbol of death and destruction. Some people think that the first person to leave a dinner table at which there are 13 dinners will die before the end of the year.
  • Aliens from other planets have crashed on earth at Roswell, New Mexico. Their bodies and spacecraft have been secretly examined I add in a place in Nevada, USA known as Area 51 and the US government has acquired advanced weapon and space travel technology from them.
  • The Bermuda Triangle explanations include magnetic fields, sea monsters and abduction by aliens, but most experts agree the disappearances are caused by bad navigation and or extreme weather conditions.
  • In court rooms in the UK and elsewhere there is an image of justice as a woman, which dates from Roman times. it traditionally shows are holding scales in one hand, to show that she is impartial and sword to represent the power of the law. sometimes she is blindfolded to show that justice cannot be influenced.

  • The first computer games were played on television and appeared in the 1970s. They were basic arcade games like pong 1972, an electronic table tennis game and Pacman 1980.
  • Diamonds melt at 6900 degree centigrade, which is two and half times the temperature needed to melt steel. Diamonds come from a rock called kimberlite. About 200 tons of kimberlite are minor do for every carat of polished diamond.
  • A 15th century statue of Buddha is the largest gold object in the world. It is in the wat Traimit temple, Bangkok, Thailand, stands 3 metre tall and weighs 5.5 tonnes.
  • Chinese and Japanese are logo graphic writing systems this means that each symbol represents a word or part of word, instead of sound. The Chinese system has 40 to 50,000 characters and the Japanese system has 18,000 but you need to know only about 2,000 and 1,850 respectively to get by in these languages.

  • The Codex hammer book was sold in New York USA in 1994 for $28,800,000. It was bought by Bill Gates the billionaire of Microsoft. The Codex is one of the Leonardo da Vinci notebook and includes many of his scientific drawings and diagrams.

  • American children have 12 years of schooling. They start at 5 and the first year at school is called Kindergarten. The grade system begins in the second year with first grade (6 year olds) and continues to 12th grade (18 year olds). In High Schools, years have names instead of numbers.
  • The five rings on Olympic flag represent the five major regions of the world: The Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. At least one of the colours on the flag (blue, yellow, black, green and red) can be found on the flags of every nation in the world.
  • Egyptian religion dates back about 5000 years and lasted until the coming of Christianity and Islam. Its huge range of Gods and Goddesses where believed to control almost every aspect of people's lives.

References- Factbook, world of facts, Wikipedia, amazing world of facts, technology facts 2017,know about earth, secrete facts etc

Thank you.

brian chochola These are cool!
December 16, 2020 at 4:12am
Bill Rippel Some interesting facts on different products. Thanks for sharing.
November 25, 2020 at 11:20pm