Welcome to “The Banner Impressions Exchange” where you can buy and sell Markethive’s impressions. This is an open exchange where the free market determines the price.
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Markethive has delivered advertising as a non-fungible token built into an exchange. This system delivers to the media buyer a transparent value for their impressions in an exchange type environment. This insures open market principles, allowing the media buyer to buy impressions from the exchange similar to buying coins in a coin exchange. The market sets the price.
Traffic impressions are like electricity, in that they cannot be stored, they are only effective at the moment as is electricity. As electricity the rate or cost is determined by the utility at a set rate, as is the case across the world the price is determined in the exchange based on supply and demand, making its value determined by demand and effectiveness.
You can buy banner impressions with Markethive coin as a member
You can sell your monthly share of impressions to create revenue as an E1 upgrade.
The simple truth is this. “Entrepreneur One” costs $100 per month and earns you an impression share that can make you far more than the costs. Upgrade now to E1 before it is too late.