This Blog Post is now in the queue for publishing as requested. Depending on transfer load expect completion in around 15 minutes or 60 minutes if it has just been published by the owner.
This Blog Post has been removed from the queue for publishing as requested.
Markethive has fused the Social Aspect of Entrepreneurs with a state of the art very powerful Marketing platform for free. Email Autoresponders, Capture Pages, Blogcasting, etc.
Attain top SEO and reach billions of people on the Social Networks is a typical day for the Entrepreneur at Markethive
The Force Multiplier
When you gather the troops of Entrepreneurs as a family, with a common goal, the power of the Inbound Marketing of Markethive explodes exponentially.
Broadcasts in the trillions begin to happen, reaching SEO results unheard of and building lifelong partnerships with other Entrepreneurs is Markethive.
I started using Markethive a few months ago. The Tools are incredible, rotators, tracking, coop press releases, email autoresponders, capture pages, the blog platform is genius, the knowledge shared and the family of other entrepreneurs just makes the results of marketing with Markethive the very best.
It is all free, because they fund the system with advertising and then share 50% of the advertising with us in the affiliate program.
Steve Smith
I made this "first generation" capture page in the Markethive Blog system, to show you what can be done. It is swipe-able, so please use it for your own benefits. Make sure to change out the capture widget code! You need to remove this TAG too.