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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Thomas Prendergast on December 08, 2016 - 8:31pm Edited 12/8 at 9:50pm

Digital Alchemy: The greatest opportunity is upon us.

I turned 39 when I entered the Internet with my Mosaic browser, Macintosh  and experienced html 1.0 for the first time in 1992.

As it was with the Internet, (I was there at the birth) the pundits and critics claimed it was too complicated and would never succeed. It surged forward and changed the world, made many wealthy and laid the foundation for millions of new inventions. It certainly changed my life. I made a few million myself, but was quick to squander it in those early days.

It was at this frontier I built the first self-replicated website, the first online interactive application, the first self-replicating PDF and by 1996 had built the first automated marketing system, which had the first email auto responder, the first of what was called Traffic Portals and the first massive broadcaster (The Hammer) all of which was the foundation of what is known today as Inbound Marketing. I custom built (private labeled) these Automated Marketing “Social Networks” for over 70 MLM companies in the 90s.

Then came Google.

Like Search Engines and “nobody ever envisioned Google would crush Yahoo” and surge forward delivering more technologies and again changed the landscape of business.

I know I was there.

Next was the emerging Social Networks. Pundits claimed they would represent Web 2.0 and change the industry and become a trillion dollar industry and it did. First to claim notoriety was “MySpace” soon to be crushed by heavy weight Facebook. Imagine buying a piece of Facebook back then like Peter Theil did. He dropped $500k into FB and is now worth Billions. LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube all and mush more turned snot nosed visionaries into billionaires.

I know I was there.

My Bitcoin perspective goes way back to the beginning of the Internet. I remember folks saying the Internet was too complicated and would never really amount to anything. Perhaps many of you do as well.

Fast forward to 2009 and the birth of Bitcoin occurred. It had many ups and downs but it surge forward. If you or I had purchased $1000 worth of bitcoin in 2012 at.008 cents per coin, today that purchase would be worth $93 million today, cash, based on the USD.

It is now being projected Bitcoin will reach $1 million, PER COIN! Many experts agree: Raoul Pal (former GLG Global Macro Fund and Goldman Sachs funds manager) thinks Bitcoin could be worth $1,000,000 USD sooner than later.

Raoul Pal

raoul pal

The bitcoin future may be the greatest door to wealth ever.

Only education will direct us in the right direction.

So let us get educated!

Check the calendar for coming events.

Thomas Prendergast
Founder and CEO
Markethive Inc.