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How to Log Into Markethive

Posted by Thomas Prendergast on January 20, 2019 - 2:24pm Edited 1/20 at 2:24pm

How to sign up and log into Markethive

Markethive registration and re-entry login is a new type of greater security. It is a 2 step where you must first register with an existing top 4 social network. Yahoo, Gmail, LinkedIn and Facebook (soon to be removed for their continued harassment). After you have set up an account there are several ways to return. This video should cover all your questions. Our support is a Telegram community. Please join us there too @ https://t.me/markethive_support

andrei68 Yarushin Thank you and have a nice weekend.
April 5, 2020 at 1:16am
Tom Murray Google works 100 of the time but just in case have a back up like Yahoo.
February 11, 2019 at 10:58pm
Kevin Jacobson I find that the Google login works the best. Make sure you use the same Google account that you have attached to your phone for all your Gmail and GPS and all that stuff. This way you can musically login the market Hive from your phone just by clicking the Google button.
February 4, 2019 at 9:28am
Anita Narayan ok so what I learnt this week through application and error on this is that I only see the login/signup in the top left of the blue bar when I am signed out, not when signed in. Thank you for the correction
January 25, 2019 at 4:28pm