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I get feedback from many of our older subscribers that indicate a certain level of limited activity. This email hopefully will address some questions and some concerns for you old timers and Veretekk legacy members.
Logging in. Many of you have not logged in in years, some many months. Those of you that have depended upon Facebook for logging in, Facebook changed the rules and we had to set up a new API. What that means your current Facebook configuration will not work. You will have to log in with a different social account like LinkedIn, Gmail or Yahoo. If none of this is an option, you will have to depend on the LOST ACCOUNT RETRIEVAL link and follow the instructions.
Or just set up a new account. As we are revitalizing the new Markethive within the blockchain, old accounts not logged into beyond 6 months will be deleted soon.
The Alpha accounts have been converted to ILP shares. ILP shares are the new asset of Markethive and now being in Phase two a full ILP share is selling at $15,000 per share. Your Alpha account(s) represent 10% of that share. Don’t know what this means? You will need to attend our Sunday meetings and ask us to explain our new crowdfunding strategy as we are still in a pre-launch in that regard. Phase one has sold out already with shares listed at $10,000. There are 4 phases of the crowdfunding. Remember we are a new company with Markethive converting to the blockchain for many reasons.
The original BOD (Bond of Debt) notes were sold at $4800 via a failed company called Shell Holdings. We have grandfathered them into Markethive ILPs at 50% of a share. Again want to understand the details, come to the meetings. We have been moving forward with this new Markethive blockchain prelaunch since April of this year with 4-10 meetings in this regard per week for over 6 months now. If you are still in the dark, perhaps you should wake up and pay attention. Markethive is your system after all.
The Entrepreneur program trumps the other older legacy programs. Primarily because the new Markethive is now a blockchain and with it comes asset coins like Bitcoin. And this allows us to offer coins (of value) as an incentive to join Markethive. This was our primary reason to make this move. But there are other solid reasons as well. Security, privacy, autonomy, and economy. I will explain:
The Airdrop: Startup Blockchain companies have utilized a relatively new concept called airdrops. In doing so they have exploded awareness and growth. Case in point is a start-up ICO called Omisego. They gave away 5% of their total coin supply and increased subscribers into the millions and drove the value of the coin up over 500%.
“Airdrops combine the best of paid referral programs with stock options. Potential users get paid for joining or using the network and have the potential upside if the network increases in value.” – Brayton Williams to CoinDesk
Prior to the Airdrop OMG coin was valued at .50 but increased to peak at $24 per coin. It is now trading steadily at about $3.50. How would you like 500 of these coins? How would you like 5000 of these coins?
Then there is Paypal who raised awareness by giving away $20 for new accounts and $20 for referring others. It then dwindled to $10 then $5 then tapered off and went away. But not until increasing memberships into the millions and subsequently turned Paypal into a multibillion-dollar company valued at more than $40 billion dollars
Matching Bonus: Markethive is planning on creating an infinite Airdrop with our first wave of subscribers getting 500 coins for joining and giving you (If you upgrade to Entrepreneur) a matching 500 coins for each referral (called an associate) through your account (the profile page), This being a fundamental new direction of Markethive.
Customer Acquisition: As Markethive raises millions at least half is going to advertising, press releases and sponsored articles, all designed to drive traffic and new registrations into Markethive. As an upgraded Entrepreneur, and active (actively logged into Markethive) you will receive your share from the new referral registrations (associates)
Associates Leads control panel: (available to Entrepreneur upgrade) Everyone always wants leads. Everywhere you hear other systems claim they lead nurture. Basically, the majority of lead systems consider spying email and additional spamming as lead nurturing. Not at Markethive. We nurture your “associates” by paying them to learn via our tutorial system (another blockchain advantage), we nurture them by teaching them the power of adding all their social networks into the Markethive > settings > Social Networks so they can increase their own reaches as well as prosper by subscribing to other pertinent Markethive blogs.
Markethive Profile Associates leads are the best leads in the industry. They are real, email delivery is above 97%, cell numbers are verified, and engagement is virtually 100%. It does not get better than this. We do not like even referring to them as leads. This is why they are called “associates”.
Banner Program: (available now only through the Entrepreneur upgrade) Banners used to be available to everyone, but it costs credits you either earned via certain actions, or transfers or buying them. We ended that program for several reasons. Firstly because we now have crypto coins and that trumps ad credits. Also, members rarely ran banners. So I have to assume that the old banner program did not work. Getting banner credits for clicking on banners guarantees bad traffic. We don’t do it you should not join systems that do. With that said, to run a 30 day banner in one category on the Warriorforum, which by the way is a great place to do so, will cost you about $4000.00 There Alexa ranking is 11,000 and ours is 55,000 doing the math $4000 x 20% = $800 so you can see our inclusive banner program is a valuable addition to the Entrepreneur upgrade.
Traffic Portals: The Entrepreneur program is required to be a seller in our traffic portals. The following traffic portals are in production; (Entrepreneurs can exchange coins with no exchange fees); (Only Entrepreneurs can sell on the platform and there are no transactional fees); (Only Entrepreneurs can receive business via this portal); (Only Entrepreneurs can sell Press Releases and receive income from the sale); (Only Entrepreneurs can receive business via this portal) and there will be ongoing more Traffic Portals ad infinity.
ILP Shares Portal: As Markethive prepares for our official crowdfunding launch each Entrepreneur will have their branded ICO portal to promote the crowdfunding and by doing so, if that Entrepreneur should sell any of the ILPs will get an equal Shadow ILP in the process.
Matching ILP Shares: When you upgrade to the Entrepreneur program, we match your monthly payments, when you consecutively make your payment every month for 12 months. In other words, after 12 consecutive monthly payments, you will earn a 10% ILP share which is worth right now $1500. We are basically giving you your money back and way more
The urgency and importance of getting on the weekly events, rallies, and webinars as things are beginning to move and faster at that. You took the time to register; if you’re not interested just tell us and we will terminate and delete your account. If you are frustrated and cant find your original account, use the LOST ACCOUNT RETRIEVAL and if all else fails, join our Telegram support group for assistance.
And if all that fails, email me, call me just join the conferences. Access is easily found in our calendar and that is clearly listed in our root domain at
I really hope to see you all there. The show is starting and after all we have been through, do you really want to miss it?
Thomas Prendergast Stan we have a fully automated step by step tutorial system in the works. And you will even be paid to complete the many lessons it will offer. We are about to kick this up a few notches too. The weekly meetings are designed for Hive transparency because Markethive is yours and I am honored to be the founder and leader.
Venable Dance Great information Tom and excellent details for both us legacy members and those just joining the Markethive family. Markethive is a fully "working product" that is soon to go full blockchain with the trust, security and privacy that entrepreneurs and social media users demand and deserve. Remember, with Markethive "you" own your data, all of it.
Stan Murrah Thanks, Tom. I like reading the script and hearing you talk at the same time. It would be even better if there was a video so that we could see you as well.
You covered a lot and I'm new, so I have a lot to learn. I'm wondering just how systematic the training and program is. Is it step by step? How many meetings per week are necessary to keep up?
Garry Scharf Well explained Tom, should get the "old timers" back if they take the time to read this post. Some may have thought that we were long gone. Thanks, keep up the good work.
Louis Harvey Great information for all past, and present members that have taken part in Markethive to take action in bringing their status up to date or get left behind when that change occurs. Awesome post