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Welcome to Markethive

Merry Christmas 2021

Posted by Thomas Prendergast on December 14, 2021 - 8:57pm Edited 12/14 at 8:57pm

Merry Christmas 2021


As you may have suspected, the wallet release date is about to be announced. We are building a comprehensive wallet solution and upon announcing the launch date, building of our own exchange will begin…and seeking other exchanges to carry our coin will begin.


Building our community bigger will be very important. Markethive will offer incentives to inspire a bigger community.
We will need 3 active communities:

  1. Bitcointalk  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3309067.0
  2. Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/markethive/
  3. Telegram: https://t.me/markethive_support
  4. Markethive: https://t.me/hivecoin_community


Make sure when you sign up into these accounts you use your real name so we can connect your account to Markethive for Airdrops, incentives, etc.

As of this mailing and blog post the following Christmas incentives have been launched and will run until epiphany.

Entrepreneur One (Christmas Special):  
One Half ILP Yes that is a 50% of an ILP to say thanks for sticking with us!


All active, new, restored accounts will receive a .5 (1/2) ILP upon finishing 12 consecutive payments on January 2023. This incredible offer is made to commemorate our Entrepreneur One program.

As of the release of the Markethive wallet, we will be launching the Premium Upgrade member service and closing the door to new or restored old Entrepreneur One accounts.

We expect by end of 2022 we will have an E1 exchange available for owners of Entrepreneur One accounts to offer their accounts for sale and for all Markethive members to seek and bid on purchasing an Entrepreneur One account for their own. But you will not find Markethive making them available for free again.

The Boost Special


FYI: Boost idea originated from Facebook. Facebook Boost costs (average) $1 to show your Newsfeed post on 12 members Newsfeeds. For $200 your post would appear on 2.400 members’ Newsfeed.

Markethive Boost puts your newsfeed post on all of our members newsfeeds. We have over 130,000 registered members and over 90,000 active members.

At $1 per 12 members newsfeeds to publish to our active (90,000) members would cost you $7,500 and over $10,000 to put your post on all our members’ newsfeeds.

At Markethive we take your wellbeing into our highest considerations and have made boosting to the entire member’s news feeds for $200 for free members and $100 for Entrepreneur One subscribers affordable for the entry level and professional home based entrepreneur.

At Christmas time the spirit of giving comes around. And we abide. We help our members by giving you huge savings, The Boost is one of them.

For the duration of the Christmas season, free members can purchase as many boosts they want for just $20 per boost.

Subscribers (Entrepreneur One) can purchase as many boosts they want for just $10 per boost.

We have also launched another special in anticipation of launching the wallet.
That is our ILPs for Markethive coin. The special is now live and will allow you to convert your coins to ILPs.

Buy additional ILPs with your Markethive coin

This offer will run for about one month after the wallet is launched for the free members. Do you understand what the ILP represents? Think of our coin as storage of gold in your vault. Think of the ILP as a gold mine producing more gold for the owner of the mine (the ILP). I would think owning the Gold mine would be a better option.

All About the ILP Explained

Entrepreneur One special Summary (so you do not miss it)

All active, new, restored Entrepreneur One accounts that stay consecutively current from Jan 2022 to Jan 2023 will receive as a bonus on top of their normal yearly 1/10th ILP a WHOOPING ½ half (50%) ILP. After the wallet is launched, there will be no more specials like this for the E1.

This is a huge incentive to get, upgrade, restore and continue supporting Markethive with your E1 membership.

Remember to log in often, attend our Sunday meetings and help us build our communities in Reddit, Bitcointalk and Telegram.


Sincerely and a Very Merry Christmas to all,

Thomas Prendergast

gennady57 Kaliulin thanks tom for your work
January 11, 2022 at 7:51am
Paul Saisal Awesome. Informative Happy New Year 2022
December 30, 2021 at 1:17pm
Oscar Garza Jr Merry Christmas to all ! Thanks Thomas, for all the Cristmas gifts, esprcially the Entrepreneur One Christmas Special.
December 25, 2021 at 11:59pm
Edited 12/26 at 12:00am
asadullah merry Christmas
December 25, 2021 at 1:41pm
Kevin Jacobson Markethive is such an incredible project and platform. Thank for this awesome gift and all you do. Merry Christmas to Tom, Annette, Maggie, Deb and the whole Markethive Dev Team.
December 25, 2021 at 12:01pm
andrei68 Yarushin Thank you Mr. Tom this will be a nice meeting.
December 23, 2021 at 8:33am
Thomas Prendergast If you have a current active account. That qualifies. If you have suspended accounts and you restore them, that is separate and qualifies. If you upgrade to a new account, that is also separate and qualifies. If you have 5 Entrepreneur One accounts that are active and add another 5 accounts by end of January that qualifies. Do I need to conduct a live meeting in this regard? I will this Sunday
December 23, 2021 at 3:08am
Elben Brozovsky Tom, I am not clear what you mean. Do you mean all active accounts plus all new accounts plus all restored accounts? Or do you mean accounts that are active and new and restored all three on one account required?
December 22, 2021 at 11:57pm
SÉRGIO LEITE Merry Christmas! Thanks for sharing.
December 20, 2021 at 3:04pm
Corneliu Boghian thanks for sharing
December 19, 2021 at 6:57am
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