Black Bar Banner 1

Welcome to Markethive

The Coming Banner Exchange

Posted by Thomas Prendergast on October 12, 2019 - 9:56pm

The Banner Program in Relation to our traffic

Design a banner online easily here
I prefer this one

Markethive has a unique banner proposal. All other Entrepreneur One advantages aside:
(get the full list of Entrepreneur One advantages here:
https://markethive.com/group/marketingdept/blog/the-12-points-of-the-entrepreneur-one-upgrade )

The Banner option will only be available in the Entrepreneur One loyalty program. As we prepare to unveil it, banner advertising will shift from day to day limited to 7 days to banner ad exposures (not clicks).

Your Entrepreneur One account will deliver to you the maximum exposure as X divided by Y. That equates to X= the amount of page views Markethive receives monthly divided by Y the number of Entrepreneur One accounts. When this system is ready to deliver, Entrepreneur One will cut off and no longer be available to new subscribers. Current subscribers to Entrepreneur One will be the only resellers of the Banner option.

Illustration One (Monthly Page Views X and Current E1 subscribers Y) Analytical results of current stats are X = 22 million and Y = 115

That equals 191,130 impressions per Entrepreneur per month. Impressions sell for .01 per on average. That is $1,911.30 per month in Banner value. That is today, right now with current numbers and average cost per impression.

The only way members other than E1 will be able to run premium positioned banners is by bidding for banner impressions from the E1 group resale banner panel.

The Banner resell system and assigned monthly impressions is a permanent benefit of the Entrepreneur One upgrade program, among many other benefits.

Long term projections only make this offer that much more valuable, case in point.

Illustration Two (comparing traffic from top ranked CoinTelegraph) and assuming we sell out at the top threshold 1000 E1 accounts. We project Markethive traffic numbers will reach or exceed CoinTelegraph within 2 years, with over 50 million subscribers and an Alexa ranking under 900. Cointelegraph.com Alexa rank at this writing is 2,384.

This would equate to Markethive’s Monthly Page Views @ 317,384,880 and Current E1 subscribers max limit @ 1000)

That equals 317,384 impressions per Entrepreneur per month. Impressions sell for .01 per on average. That is $3,173.84 per month in Banner value. That is based on the maximum E1 upgrades allowed. I am pretty sure that number of E1s will be much smaller more along the line of 500. Based on 500 the value of impressions per month (634,769.76) would be around $6,347.70 per E1.

How this will be monetized for you. Each E1 banner account will have a store front to sell impressions to Markethive members automatically based on your ask price and/or the buyer’s bid price in an exchange type platform within the Advertising control panel.

This will allow you to sell impressions to members as well as buy or sell impressions to other E1 members. It will operate as an exchange so your impressions are yours to sell at any price you decide to sell them at. It is an exchange, selling impressions for ILPs, MHV coins, Markethive credits or USA.

Entrepreneur One (E1) members receive exclusive banner exchange store fronts to buy, sell and negotiate impressions for the business of banner advertising to Markethive members. This opens up many doors of advantages.

Case in point:

Offsite Reseller systems
Remember this is a win win situation as it both brings you business (revenue) and associate members

  1. Coinbound.io
    Banner Ads can be offered for sale via impressions or terms.

  2. Coinzilla.com
    Banner Ads can be offered for sale via impressions or terms.

  3. Bitmedia.io
    Banner Ads can be offered for sale via impressions or terms.

  4. AdClerks.com
    Monetize unsold space instantly with SwiftAds

  5. Adshares.net
    Decentralized Advertising

  6. Adsboot.com
    Blockchain Empowered Crypto Ad Network!

  7. Adex.network
    AdEx is trust-minimized solution for digital advertising

  8. Coinad.com
    Impressions priced banner advertising

  9. Btcsurf.io
    The largest Advertising Crypto-community


Focusing solely on the Banner aspect of Entrepreneur One (E1) it should be clear to everyone, the simple $100 per month over the lifetime of this upgrade (10 years) can easily return over $350,000. That is a nice return ROI for $100 per month (10 years = $12,000)

This is very limited and once we have the banner ad exchange panel ready to be released, this offer ends.

Whichever comes first, 1000 Entrepreneur One upgrades or the Banner Control Panel release. This offer once acquired is good for life as long as the monthly membership fees are current.

Other upgrades will come, but none of them will compare to the magnitude this offer gives you.

Oh yeah, one more juicy detail, as Markethive subscriptions grow and grow, the demand for Banner ads just internally will be huge and they will only be available from you E1s. Keep that in mind as we approach 5 million, 50 million, 500 million or more.

Next up will be the Press Release system.

This will be included in E1. Allowing you a press release worth 1 Bitcoin per month to sell or use.
Similar type Press release offer from Cointelegraph.com selling for 1 Bitcoin.


Markethive is making these incredibly financially rewarding offers to you, her early adopters to help you as you help us finance this big project. The potential here is literally billions of profit per month. And you’re invited. Our numbers back this up.

Ready to upgrade? Welcome aboard!
Entrepreneur One Upgrade

Thomas Prendergast

Otto Knotzer outstanding thank you
March 6, 2020 at 9:54pm
Tan Gerald Well explained. It is now that I understood how the Banner Program works for Entrepreneurs.
February 2, 2020 at 2:13pm
Thomas Prendergast Charles, Ray and all the others, we are just getting started. Of course our acceleration will increase as we increase our Entrepreneur One upgrades. And remember, it is your company and the more you stale in it the more you get back.
December 17, 2019 at 10:15am
Charles Phillips I would challenge anyone to find better value and range of services that can match what we already have with Markethive. And then when one looks at what we already have plus what's being worked on for the future, it's game over for real. Thanks Thomas and the team.
December 9, 2019 at 11:45pm
Raymond Jewell This is a huge value! One has to have the belief that Markethive will achieve its goals. With this in mind, this $100 can turn into a massive value. The best time to get a huge return on your investment is to get in when the owners and creators are giving value for your minimal investment. Microsoft did it, Facebook did it, Amazon did it, well you get the picture. Most of the time you just don't hear about them but they capitalized on the creators of the business long term vision.
December 9, 2019 at 5:31am
Umer Khan Thank you for the explanation, I look forward to these new releases
December 9, 2019 at 4:58am
Manoj Kumar Ram This is simply great!!
December 8, 2019 at 9:45pm
Tan Gerald Awesome! way to go ~~~~~
December 8, 2019 at 9:51am
Cheryl Majeski The best is yet to come! So happy to be a part of this incredible journey! Thanks, Tom!
November 3, 2019 at 8:18pm
Mihai Cristian That's great news Thomas - thanks
November 1, 2019 at 1:24am
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